CIPP/E Advice — TechExams Community
2017年10月16日 · My CIPP/E experiences has certainly changed how I'll approach future exams. I didn't find the CIPM one hard but strangely I found the first CIPP/E exam easier - yet I failed! I'm on the CIPT course this week so will hopefully be registering for that exam at some point in the next few months too.
CIPP/E Advice - Page 3 — TechExams Community
Sat for the CIPP/E Beta exam on April 26, and received passing results (67/81/75) on May 17. Scaled score of 340. Self-study, using the IAPP textbook and numerous free online webinars (both IAPP and others.)
CIPP/E Advice - Page 4 — TechExams Community
hi everyone. have just taken the exam on sept 10 and passed. my scores were 100 83 81 for the 3 areas. my suggestions: - buy the CIPP/E certification book from the IAPP website - read the book at least 3 times and try to memorize the important info by making highlights - remember the WP29 opinions and case studies; some questions related to this - …
CIPP/E Advice - Page 7 — TechExams Community
The CIPP/E exam program will experience an annual update that goes into effect September 1, 2019. Anyone has experience whether this is a regular thing and does not impact the much whether we take the exam in august or sept **To answer this …
CIPP/e exam just passed - tips for you - TechExams Community
Important note: the quizlets questions and the CIPP/E sample questions are much easier than the exam questions , so even if you feel comfortable with your quizlet and CIPP/E sample answers, continue focusing on your weak areas. In the week before the exam I used the outlines you can find in this discussion forum . Here is the link .
Does anyone actually fail the IAPP Exams? IE CIPP CIPT CIPM?
What really stressed me was that there were a few questions that were not in the text book. I've checked and rechecked and can't find them. I am in the process of appealing. I wondered if anyone has been successful. I scored really well on some domains, 100% on one of them but despite studying more than I did for the CIPP/E I failed.
CIPP/E Advice - Page 6 — TechExams Community
2019年4月1日 · Hello everyone! I scheduled my cipp/e test for Monday, 15th of April and I couldn't be more scared after reading everyone's impressions. Although I am a legal advisor I don't have a background on privacy, so I started preparing for this exam just like everybody else.
CIPP/E Advice - Page 11 — TechExams Community
2020年9月1日 · Hi everyone, This forum helped me decide how to prepare for the exam, and I would like to share my thoughts hoping they help someone else prepare :) I gave the CIPP-E today I think with good enough scores, Part 1 - 90, Part 2- 80, Part 3 - 86. I confess this forum made me concerned about the amount of stuff one needs to read!
cipp E Exam tips for preparation and exam part 2.
I got my CIPP/E last year and are now looking for training material for CIPM, which is hard to find (not unlike the material for CIPP/E). It surprised me that you passed the exam with 67% in the second domain and 70% in the third, because I thought you would need a 73% score in each domain (although the IAPP is a bit more lenient with the first ...
CIPP/E Advice - Page 5 — TechExams Community
I just took the CIPP/e and failed with 77/62/66, which averages at 68% (and with a score of 295). The blueprint states pass rates vary from 65%-80% and scores range from 0-500 (but 300 doesn't mean 50%!)