Optimal cutoffs of growth discordance for the risk of preeclampsia …
2023年1月16日 · We confirmed the association of BWD with the risk of preeclampsia in a dose-response manner and managed to establish two optimal cut-offs: BWD of 15% as the starting point of the risk of preeclampsia on the move; and BWD of 25% as a threshold of the risk to increase with statistical significance (p < 0.05) and clinical meaningfulness (aOR > 2.0 ...
Assessment of different thresholds of birthweight discordance for …
2022年2月1日 · The optimal threshold of birthweight discordance (BWD) remains controversial. This study aimed to evaluate the associations between BWD at different thresholds and early neonatal outcomes and to assess their predictive accuracy.
Ultrasound for diagnosis of birth weight discordance in twin ...
Our primary objective is to determine the diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity and specificity) of different estimated biometric ultrasound measures using 30% thresholds with the actual birth weight discordance (BWD) as the reference standard (e.g. abdominal circumference (AC) compared with actual BWD) and to provide readers with a summary of the ...
Prevalence and Factors Associated With Intertwin Birth Weight ...
2023年5月16日 · Lowering the cut-off of discordance — BWD defined as 20% or more disparity in birth weights — in the multivariate analysis, advanced maternal age (OR 1.19, 95% CI [1.07, 1.33]) and ART (OR 1.17, 95% CI [1.03, 1.32]) remained associated with an increased risk of BWD and parity (OR 0.77, 95% CI [0.69, 0.87]) with a reduced risk (data not shown).
Defining intertwin birth weight discordance and optimal delivery …
Background: A high birth weight discordance (BWD) places twins at high risks of adverse perinatal outcomes; however, there is no commonly accepted definition of intertwin BWD. Given that gestational age (GA) is closely associated with both BWD and adverse neonatal outcomes, the aim of our study is to develop a measure that takes both BWD and GA ...
Birth weight discordance in very low birth weight twins: mortality ...
2019年7月16日 · Birth weight discordance (BWD) > 20% is fairly common, affecting around 16% of twin pregnancies [1]. Few studies have examined neonatal morbidities, mortality beyond hospital discharge, and...
CIC-IDS数据集特征介绍 - CSDN博客
2021年3月20日 · 通信安全机构 (CSE)与加拿大网络安全研究所 (CIC)合作项目,该项目对自 1998 年以来现有的 11 个数据集的评估表明,大多数数据集(比如经典的 KDDCUP99,NSLKDD 等)已经过时且不可靠。 其中一些数据集缺乏流量多样性和容量,一些数据集没有涵盖各种已知的攻击,而另一些数据集将数据包有效载荷数据匿名化,这不能反映当前的趋势。 有些还缺少特征集和 元数据。 CIC-IDS-2017 数据集包含良性和最新的常见攻击,类似真实世界数据 (PCAPs)。 …
Fortywhyareyouinterestedinthis Stories - Wattpad
the continuation and also no cis anymore (ALL CHARACTERS PORTRAYED HERE WERE VOLUNTARY.) Read the most popular fortywhyareyouinterestedinthis stories on Wattpad, the …
Man page of QTLtools-cis - GitHub Pages
QTLtools cis --vcf [in.vcf|in.vcf.gz|in.bcf|in.bed.gz]--bed quantifications.bed.gz [--nominal float | --permute integer | --mapping in.txt] --out output.txt [OPTIONS] DESCRIPTION This mode maps cis (proximal) quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that affect the phenotype, using linear regression.
1,4-丁炔二醇加氢过程研究进展 - 百度文库
在间歇釜反应中,BYD加氢过程分为3个阶段:第一阶段,BYD被催化剂强烈吸附加氢生成顺-1,4-丁烯二醇(cis-BED),氢气消耗速率与BYD浓度无关;第二阶段,BYD基本被反应完,大量cis-BED 加氢,氢气的消耗速率增加,催化剂表面吸附cis-BED,此时产物有BDO、反-1,4-丁烯二醇(trans-BED)和γ ...