此芯科技成立于2021年,汇集国内外芯片设计、软件生态和终端应用的业界资深人才,运用创新、前瞻的构想,设计和研发业界先进的高能效、智能化的通用CPU,赋能个人计算、车载应用、元宇宙基础设施建设领域。 此芯科技致力于为社会提供低功耗智能算力解决方案,正在携手全球领先的商业客户与生态伙伴共建统一算力基础的开放生态,打造智能芯片2.0新范式。 近4年Arm CPU 生态迎来指数级增长,Arm芯片市场年均复合增长率560%,至今已超2000亿颗芯片,全球厂商 …
CIX Technology is committed to providing society with low-power intelligent computing solutions. The company is collaborating with leading global commercial clients and ecosystem partners to build an open ecosystem with a unified computing foundation, creating a …
新闻中心-此芯科技官网 - cixtech.com
此芯科技是一家专注于开发智能CPU芯片及高能效算力解决方案的科技企业,此芯科技拥有业界资深的智能计算架构和全建制研发设计团队,在CPU内核研发、SoC、全栈软件开发和系统设计等领域具备雄厚的技术积累,致力于开发兼容Arm指令集的高能效计算解决方案,为智能芯片2.0时代贡 …
此芯科技成立于2021年,汇集国内外芯片设计、软件生态和终端应用的业界资深人才,运用创新、前瞻的构想,设计和研发业界先进的高能效、智能化的通用CPU,赋能个人计算、车载应用、元宇宙基础设施建设领域。 此芯科技致力于为社会提供低功耗智能算力解决方案,正在携手全球领先的商业客户与生态伙伴共建统一算力基础的开放生态,打造智能芯片2.0新范式。
Personal Computing - en.cixtech.com
Centered around the Arm architecture PC processor, CIX Technology collaborates deeply with partners across the industry chain, providing domestic and international customers with a wide range of software and hardware solutions, including multi-operating system support, native development tools, full-stack software and hardware optimization, and ...
CIX Technology 2025 Company Profile: Valuation, Funding
Developer of general-purpose intelligent computing chips and computer CPUs designed to provide energy efficient computing solutions.
CIX Technology - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
CIX Technology develops high-performance, next-generation intelligent computing solutions. CIX Technology may be growing as it has successfully raised hundreds of millions of yuan, which indicates a strong financial backing and the ability to fund its operations and research.
CIX Technology - LinkedIn
CIX Technology Inc. was founded by experienced technology and management experts from well-known global semiconductor and IT companies. We are committed to developing the next-generation...
About CIX
2021年10月13日 · CIX Technology is committed to providing society with low-power intelligent computing solutions. The company is collaborating with leading global commercial clients and ecosystem partners to build an open ecosystem with a unified computing foundation, creating a new paradigm for Smart Chip 2.0.
Core Advantages
From the early stages of research and development, CIX has been dedicated to developing its own CPUs, building an independent core IP technology system, and accumulating technical expertise in the industry. The company has mastered the core technologies of processor core and related IP core design.
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