Carl Johnson (CJ)'s Workshop.. - GTAForums
2022年4月19日 · Howdy y'all, LividKilla66 here, most of you guys on discord might know me as Carl Johnson(CJ) or well as of now LividKilla66(going thru a rebrand rn lol), well after months of deciding & a fat hand full of people asking " when's a guy gonna open workshop?" well.. that day has finally came, wh...
[WIP|SA] HD CJ Retexture - Characters - GTAForums
2014年10月3日 · Hi , in this mod my plan is to remake ALL clothes, ALL haircuts, ALL body types, ALL Tattoos, etc, in HD, but keep the GTA San Andreas original clothing style... I want to enhance the CJ look.. I've added some GTA San Andreas IOS models like hands with fingers, and Cutscenes and In-Game models of...
endochronic's thrift store - Workshop - GTAForums
2022年9月5日 · credits to Carl (CJ) Johnson#8933 for the texture works and Cleoude for the Sweet without the cap mod.
CJ's Gangster Aim mod - GTA III, VC & SA - GTAForums
2022年1月17日 · Hello GTA Forums members, I wanted to consult you on a topic. Is it possible for CJ to hold a gun like gangsters? And is such a mod available? I look forward to your help in this matter, thank you. Thank you in advance for your help. The style I want is as in the picture;
(SA) A.I. Remastered C.J. - Characters - GTAForums
2019年4月17日 · The textures for CJ (clothes, shoes, hairstyles, etc) are bout 50-60% done. The models for CJ ("") are far from done - it's a tedious slow progress. I'm thinking of releasing the textures when they're completed and then the models later (the textures are compatible with vanilla CJ and any versions of AIRCJ mod).
GTA SA: Female CJ mod, Mod Pirated and claimed elsewhere by …
2022年1月12日 · I left the modding community many years ago due to personal issues. However, I recently became active again and one of the first things I saw was that my work has been claimed by someone else. Original Thread: Asef Hassan Amiz posted my work on GTA Land and GTA Inside as 'Female CJ, Hot Babe Girl...
[WIP][SCR] Female CJ full replacement - GTAForums
2008年2月14日 · This mod began as my wanting on a whim to put Mona Sax from Rockstar's Max Payne 2 into San Andreas. It escalated from there and mutated into a project to completely replace CJ with Mona - complete with all clothing, hairstyle, and tattoo options.
[SA] Mobile Hands - Characters - GTAForums
2014年12月6日 · The mobile/remastered version of San Andreas, brought several new features. Including cutscene chars with new hands. This mod brings those to PC. - Default Models from Mobile. - Hands for models that were added to them. - BETA Models (thanks to @Kalvin). Not Started - In Progress - Done - Updated...
Madleg's ragdoll mod on CJ? - GTA III, VC & SA - GTAForums
2017年5月29日 · No, there is no way to being able to do that (yet). The developer, Madleg, finished his work with that ragdoll modification and we just have to wait till he find a way to do that or actually wait if he's going to retake his work and add more features; anyways, don't wish too much, he made the best ragdoll modification for GTA SA in history and last thing we can do is request for more features ...
A New Look For CJ (Original Texture Size) - GTAForums
2018年1月17日 · I don't know if its a glitch, but in cutscenes CJ is invisible but ingame everything is ok. Is there a solution to this problem? Other than that thank you for this mod. Keep up the good work Edited January 22, 2018 by TheRealSting