What Are The Differences Between CK4 & CJ4 Oil? | Fullbay
2022年8月2日 · In fact, in order to meet the CK4 oil API standards, lubricants must prove themselves in two new tests: the CAT Aeration test and the Mack T13 test. Additionally, CK4 oils provide better protection for engines than CJ4 oils.
Castrol® GTX Diesel engine oil | API CK-4, CJ-4 & below
Castrol GTX Diesel is designed to provide superior protection, conforms to the strict requirements of PC-11 engine oil technology and can be used in diesel engines where API CK-4, CJ-4 and below is required.
Widespread use of “Energy Conserving” oils may result in an overall savings of fuel in the vehicle fleet as a whole. Used in conjunction with API CI-4 and CJ-4, the “CI-4 PLUS” designation identifies oils formulated to provide a higher level of protection against soot-related viscosity in-crease and viscosity loss due to shear in diesel engines.
The new API CJ-4 oils are made for high-performance diesel engines designed to meet 2007 on-highway exhaust emission standards. API CJ-4 oils exceed previous performance requirements and are specifically designed to protect emission control systems, help comply with emission standards, reduce engine wear, and control piston deposits and oil ...
Widespread use of “Energy Conserving” oils may result in an overall savings of fuel in the vehicle fleet as a whole. Used in conjunction with API CI-4 and CJ-4, the “CI-4 PLUS” designation identifies oils formulated to provide a higher level of protection against soot-related viscosity increase and viscosity loss due to shear in diesel engines.
CJ 4 Oil - Engine Builder Magazine
2009年5月27日 · API CJ-4 motor oils provide a significant improvement in wear protection, soot and deposit control, and high-temperature stability over API CI-4 PLUS motor oils. API CJ-4 motor oils were designed to meet the needs of the newest generation of engines built beginning in 2007, as well as provide improved protection for engines built prior to 2007.
Magnum CJ-4 Oil | Lucas Oil Products
Lucas Magnum CJ-4 Oils are blended with premium "Lucas" additives that help maintain the life of the emission control systems as required for regulatory compliance. Expect less oil consumption and reduced engine wear. It resists oxidation and thermal breakdown for total protection in new and older engines. Suitable for gasoline as well as diesel.
Stens New Oil for Universal Products 10W-30 CJ-4, 770-724
Oil Weight: SAE 10W30 ; Meets API CJ-4/CI-4/CH-4/CG-4/CF-4 requirements for diesel and API SN/SM/S gasoline engine oil specifications ; Multi-weight synthetic blend ›
API CJ-4 - Lubrizol
Oils approved for API Service Category CJ-4 exceed the performance criteria of Category CF-4, CG-4, CH-4, CI-4 and CI-4 PLUS, and can effectively lubricate engines calling for those API Service Categories. For more information on API CJ-4, contact your Lubrizol representative.
Royal Purple Duralec Super 15W-40 API CJ-4 Motor Oil
Royal Purple Duralec Super 15W-40 and 10W-30 are API CJ-4 engine oils. Royal Purple Duralec Super motor oil is specifically formulated to maximize component life, extend drain intervals and improve fuel performance.