After the End Fan Fork - Reddit
As the title pretty much says, will it be possible to believe in no religion at all as “atheism”? Can it even work functionally at all within CK3? I'm using the Science Fiction submod to live out my Jediism fantasy and everytime the game loads up it overrides the …
After the End Wiki
After the End is a mod for Crusader Kings 2 and Crusader Kings 3, set within an original alternate history North and South America after an ambiguous apocalypse sent the world into a neomedieval age. From the ashes of the old world, new ideas arise. Some old religious like Christianity continue, while others take influence from the old world.
Steam Workshop::After the End - Steam Community
After the End is a total conversion mod and successor to the popular CK II mod, bringing Crusader Kings III to the post-post apocalyptic Americas. Covering all of the Americas, After the End takes place long after a great cataclysm, the Event, wiped out modern society. Centuries later new neo-medieval societies have risen from the ashes.
After the End CK3开发日志6:宗教(第一部分) - 哔哩哔哩
在ck3里,宗教被分为了不同信仰,没有任何一个信仰是高人一等或是低人一等的。 这意味着所有自我认同为基督教的信仰将从属于基督宗教,而非手动创造一个新的宗教分支出来。
ate汉化已在创意工..After the End是一款全面转换MOD,也是广受欢迎的CK2同名MOD的继承者,它将《十字军之王 III》带入了后世界末日时代的美洲。 故事发生在一场大灾难——末日——摧毁了现代社会之后很久。
AtE CK3 Open Beta Frequently Asked Questions - Reddit
A: Yes, there will be an eventual release on Steam of the mod. However, the current beta build still requires more stability fixes, polish, and content and will have very common updates. As such, it will stay as a manual download until we've got the mod in …
【图片】【MOD汉化】After the End Fan Fork,后启示录时代北美 …
MOD背景设定在一场灾难性事件将人类文明击退回中世纪后的2666年,可游玩北美、加勒比海或南美洲北部海岸的任意势力。 MOD包含一千多个省份,47个不同的宗教(其中大多数是非原版的独特宗教),31个不同的文化组。 汉化说明:项目文本基于 by-nc-4.0许可协议发布,目前(2019年2月1日12:55)汉化进度为64.95%,除随机人名地名外的大部分内容均已翻译。 2 推荐使用CK3.2进行游戏(因为该MOD版本发布时CK3.3还没出),但CK3.3游玩应该也没有太大 …
[MOD] After the End CK3 - Paradox Interactive Forums
2021年1月12日 · What is the After the End CK3? After the End CK3 is a sequel to After the End, the post-apocalyptic America mod for Crusader Kings 2. After the End CK3 will preserve the core design philosophy and fan favorite content from the CK2 version, while overhauling and expanding other aspects of the mod.
How feature-complete is AtE CK3? : r/AfterTheEndFanFork - Reddit
CK2 and CK3 are super different so they feel complete in their own ways, but the CK3 version of ATE is complete enough and with enough unique content that isn’t in CK2 that it’s worthwhile. South America especially is excellent, Brazil is fully playable with lots of unique religions and a pretty good unique government
After the End CK3开发日志1:总体设想和范围以及最终的CK2更新
CK3的脚本引擎和硬编码机制与CK2都有着天壤之别,这不是我们将保留什么的问题,而是我们可以挽救什么的问题。 相反,我们希望ATECK3更像是CK2版的重置或续作。 我们计划建立在Fan Fork的基础上,但是我们也不会害怕完全修改、替换甚至删除那些我们不满意或者不能在CK3中工作的元素。 这适用于政治设置、游戏历史和整个文化或宗教。 没有什么是神圣的,也没有什么是安全的。 (除了美利坚教。 那个就留下来了。 ) 我们的团队目前有两个主要的重点——创造 …