Chapter 74: Chronic Kidney Disease - McGraw Hill Medical
KDIGO classification will be used in this chapter; the term CKD 5D indicates a patient with ESRD requiring dialysis as either hemodialysis (CKD 5HD) or peritoneal dialysis (CKD 5PD). Prognosis of CKD depends on cause of kidney disease, GFR at time of diagnosis, degree of albuminuria, and presence of other comorbid conditions.
- Ferrin <200 ng/ml (CKD ND) or <300 ng/ml (CKD 5D) • Do not intenonally exceed ferrin >500 ng/ml or TSAT >30% • If ↑ in Hb level or ↓ in ESA dose is desired, and - TSAT <30%, and - Ferrin <300 ng/ml (even higher levels in paents in HD with a weak response to ESAs or unfavorable risk/benefit with ESAs)
Chapter 1: Diagnosis and evaluation of anemia in CKD
In children with CKD 5HD and CKD 5PD, monthly monitoring for anemia is standard clinical practice. Diagnose anemia in adults and children >15 years with CKD when the Hb concentration is <13.0 g/dl (<130 g/l) in males and <12.0 g/dl (<120 g/l) in females. (Not Graded)
Chapter 2: Use of iron to treat anemia in CKD - PMC - PubMed …
In patients with CKD-associated anemia, iron supplementation is intended to assure adequate iron stores for erythropoiesis, correct iron deficiency, and, in patients receiving ESA treatment, prevent iron deficiency from developing.
Summary of Recommendation Statements - PMC - National …
2012年7月31日 · at least monthly in patients with CKD 5HD [See Recommendations 3.12.1–3.12.3 for measurement of Hb concentration in patients being treated with ESA.] 1.2.1: Diagnose anemia in adults and children >15 years with CKD when the Hb concentration is <13.0 g/dl (<130 g/l) in males and <12.0 g/dl (<120 g/l) in females. (Not Graded)
In children with CKD 5HD and CKD 5PD, monthly monitoring for anemia is standard clinical practice. 1.2.1: Diagnose anemia in adults and children 415 years with CKD when the Hb concentration is o13.0 g/dl (o130 g/l) in males and o12.0 g/dl (o120 g/l) in females.
(PDF) Kidney disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO
The 2012 Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guideline for Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease aims to provide guidance on diagnosis, evaluation, management and...
2013年7月29日 · 2.1.3: For adult CKD patients on ESA therapy who are not receiving iron supplementation, we suggest a trial of IV iron (or in CKD ND patients alternatively a 1-3 month trial of oral iron therapy) if (2C): an increase in Hb concentration** or a decrease in ESA dose is desired*** and TSAT is 30% and ferritin is 500 ng/ml ( 500 g/l)
KDOQI Clinical Practice Guideline for Hemodialysis Adequacy: 2015 ...
2015年11月1日 · Patients who reach CKD stage 4 (GFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m 2), including those who have imminent need for maintenance dialysis at the time of initial assessment, should receive education about kidney failure and options for its treatment, including kidney transplantation, PD, HD in the home or in-center, and conservative treatment. Patients' family ...
Chapter 1: Diagnosis and evaluation of anemia in CKD - PMC
In the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children Prospective Cohort Study (CKiD), which evaluated 340 North American children with CKD using iohexol-determined GFR, 2 below a GFR threshold of 43 ml/min per 1.73 m 2, there was a linear relationship between Hb and GFR, with Hb 0.3 g/dl (3 g/l) lower per 5 ml/min per 1.73 m 2 lower GFR.