Stages of kidney disease (CKD) - American Kidney Fund
2025年3月18日 · Stage 4 of CKD (eGFR between 15 and 29) Stage 4 CKD means you have an eGFR between 15 and 29 and moderate to severe damage to your kidneys. Your kidneys do …
Stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD) - American Kidney Fund
2025年1月29日 · In Stage 3 CKD, your eGFR is between 30 and 59. You may also have a protein called albumin in your urine (i.e., your pee). Kidney damage affects how well they work, and …
Enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) en etapa 3 - American Kidney Fund
2025年1月29日 · En la ERC en etapa 3, la eGFR está entre 30 y 59. Quizá tenga proteínas en la orina (es decir, el pis). Los riñones tienen daños que afectan su funcionamiento y es posible …
There are 5 stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD), from very mild kidney damage in stage 1 to complete kidney failure in stage 5. The stages of kidney disease are based on the estimated …
Medicines to manage kidney disease - American Kidney Fund
Discover how medicines for chronic kidney disease can ease symptoms, slow disease progression and prevent complications.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
2025年3月19日 · How can I prevent CKD. If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, the best way to prevent CKD is to work with your doctor to control your blood sugar and blood …
Stage 2 chronic kidney disease (CKD) - American Kidney Fund
2025年1月29日 · What are the symptoms of stage 2 CKD? Symptoms of kidney disease usually don't start until Stage 3 CKD, so many people with Stage 2 CKD don't know they have it. …
Newly diagnosed chronic kidney disease (CKD) - American Kidney …
2024年5月14日 · If your doctor has told you that you have chronic kidney disease (CKD), it can come as a shock. Every year, more than 100,000 people in the U.S. find out they have CKD, …
Slowing down kidney disease: It can be done
2016年7月14日 · Nine years at stage 3 kidney disease and holding—Gail Rae-Garwood shares her experience about slowing down kidney disease.
Etapas o estadios de la enfermedad renal - American Kidney Fund
2025年3月18日 · La etapa 5 de la ERC (eGFR menor de 15) La ERC en etapa 5 significa que la eGFR es menor de 15 y la persona tiene enfermedad renal terminal. Los riñones están a …