Futures | U.S. Army
The C2 CFT drives requirements and technology transitions across its 4x Army signature modernization efforts: 1) unified network, 2) common operating environment, 3) joint/coalition ...
CL-CFT PRIORITY EFFORTS “Contested Logistics is the act of planning, executing, and enabling the movement and support of military forces across multiple domains/environments across air, …
Contested Logistics (CL) Cross-Functional Team (CFT)
Headquartered at the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, the Contested Logistics (CL) Cross-Functional Team (CFT) was formed in 2023 to address the need to sustain forces and …
What is the US Army’s new contested logistics team working on?
2023年10月9日 · The CFT will look at applications using artificial intelligence and machine learning to be able to provide precision sustainment, Nelson said.
US Army forms new modernization team to tackle contested …
2023年3月29日 · The CFT will reach an initial operational capability next month and will reside in Huntsville, Alabama, at Redstone Arsenal where it will be nested with Army Materiel …
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The Army Futures Command (AFC) Contested Logistics Cross-Functional Team (CL CFT) was formed in 2023 to address the need to sustain forces and equipment quickly on future...
Contested Logistics CFT Coming - AUSA
2023年3月29日 · A new cross-functional team focused on contested logistics is being stood up in Huntsville, Alabama, the commander of Army Futures Command announced March 29 at the …
Precision Sustainment and Predictive Logistics in USINDOPACOM
2024年7月18日 · Within the precision sustainment portfolio, the Contested Logistics CFT is investigating data-driven capabilities and leveraging artificial intelligence, specifically machine …
Army’s New Contested Logistics CFT Likely To Reach ... - Defense …
2023年8月8日 · The Army’s new Contested Logistics Cross-Functional Team (CFT) is likely to reach full operational capability (FOC) before the end of 2023, a lead Futures Command …
Army Futures Command official outlines themes of contested logistics CFT
2023年8月8日 · The Army's new contested logistics cross-functional team will focus roughly on areas such as data-based logistics, autonomous technology and fuel efficiency, an Army …