CLA-76 Compressor Limiter Plugin - Waves Audio
Inspired by the famed mid-‘60s Class A line level limiting amplifier, Waves CLA-76 compressor plugin offers the superfast attack that made the original studio legends.
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【混音音效 #5】WAVES插件 3 - 压缩器CLA-76 - 哔哩哔哩
CLA-76 是WAVES中的一款功能比较综合的压缩器,目前共有两个界面版本, 分别是 Silverface Bluestripe (BLUEY) 和 Blackface(BLACKY)。 Bluey版本相对早些,Blacky界面则较为常 …
〖Waves插件〗CLA-76 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
cla-76是以音乐史上最著名的 晶体管压缩器 /限制器之一为模型的,该压缩器/限制器独特地使用 场效应晶体管 (fet)作为增益控制设备。最初制造了约8,000台,并在运行过程中至少进行了13 …
混音插件分享:Waves CLA-76 Compressor - 哔哩哔哩
Waves CLA-76 Compressor,非常经典而且重要的饱受好评的压缩器,每一个混音项目必备的压缩器,他可以处理人声,吉他,贝斯,鼓,keyboard等等几乎所有乐器。
The CLA-76 is modeled after one of the best renowned solid state compressor/limiters in music history, which uniquely used Field Effect Transistors (FETs) as gain control devices. Some …
Waves CLA-76 Compressor / Limiter Plug-in - Sweetwater
Waves' CLA-76 compressor/limiter plug-in is inspired by the legendary mid-'60s limiting amplifier, beloved by Sweetwater Sales Engineers for its lightning-quick attack and release times and …
Waves CLA-76 Compressor / Limiter – United States - Thomann
Bought it for use with a bass guitar but soon found it useful in many different applications. Definitely worth money! Sounds great on almost any tracks. I use this plugin when I need to …
CLA-76 - Compressor / Limiter - KVR Audio
CLA-76 - Compressor / Limiter by Waves is a Virtual Effect Audio Plugin for macOS and Windows. It functions as a VST Plugin, an Audio Units Plugin, a VST 3 Plugin and an AAX …
Differences Between CLA-2A, CLA-3A, and CLA-76 Compressors
But with three different models to choose from—the CLA-2A, CLA-3A, and CLA-76—it can be tough to know which one is right for your mixes. Today, we take a deep dive into the …
【WAVES 插件说明书汉化】CLA-76 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年4月21日 · cla-76是以音乐史上最著名的晶体管压缩器/限制器之一为模型的,该压缩器/限制器独特地使用场效应晶体管(fet)作为增益控制设备。 最初制造了约8,000台,并在运行过程 …