Key role of flt3 ligand in regulation of the common lymphoid …
In this report we present the first evidence for a nonredundant regulator of this process, in that adult mice deficient in expression of the flt3 ligand (FL) have severely (10-fold) reduced levels of the CLP, accompanied by reductions in the earliest identifiable B and T cell progenitors.
Progression from the Common Lymphoid Progenitor to B/Myeloid ... - PubMed
2018年9月15日 · Further evaluation of CLP reveals that the Cebpa transgene is expressed almost exclusively in Flt3 + multipotent CLP versus B cell-restricted Flt3 - CLP. In vitro, hCD4 + preproB cells produce both B and myeloid cells, whereas hCD4 - preproB cells only produce B cells.
Flt3 signaling regulates the proliferation, survival, and …
2014年5月1日 · Flt3 signaling plays a crucial role in regulating the survival and differentiation of lymphoid progenitors into B cell precursors (BCPs) in bone marrow. To define further the role of Flt3 signaling in lymphoid progenitor survival, mice deficient in Flt3 ligand that also expressed a Bcl2 transgene (Eμ-bcl2tg flt3l−/−) were generated.
Common-Lymphoid-Progenitor-Independent Pathways of Innate …
2016年4月19日 · To investigate whether the development of ILC2s could bypass the CLP stage of development, we analyzed Flt3-ligand-deficient (Flt3l −/−) mice. In agreement with previous studies (Sitnicka et al., 2002, 2007), our results showed that Flt3 ligand
Flt3 Signaling in B Lymphocyte Development and Humoral Immunity
Here, we provide a comprehensive review of the current state of the knowledge regarding molecular and cellular regulation of Flt3/FL and the roles of Flt3 signaling in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) activation, lymphoid development, BM B lymphopoiesis, and peripheral B …
In this report we present the first evidence for a nonre- dundant regulator of this process, in that adult mice deficient in expression of the flt3 ligand (FL) have se- verely (10-fold) reduced levels of the CLP, accompa- nied by reductions in the earliest identifiable B and T cell progenitors.
人类淋巴细胞生成的高分辨率图谱揭示了一个常见的淋巴祖细胞 (CLP…
2016年12月2日 · 在 HSC 移植的实验模型中,将小鼠 CLP 与纯化的 HSC 共同移植可更快地恢复淋巴细胞生成、免疫功能和对病毒攻击的抵抗力。 因此,人类 CLP 的鉴定将对临床 HSCT 产生转化影响。 基于 IL-7Rα (CD127) 作为鼠 CLP 的关键区分标志物的表达,我们研究了未成熟 CD34+ Lin-CD38+ 细胞的 CD127+ 亚群的淋巴定向祖细胞,约占总骨髓的 0.1-0.2%。 与鼠 CLP 一样,CD34+ Lin-CD38+ CD127+ 细胞也表达 Kit 和 Flt3。 OP9 基质细胞用表达多西环素诱导型 …
Flt3 ligand expands bona fide innate lymphoid cell precursors …
2018年1月9日 · FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand (Flt3L) is a hematopoietic cytokine that acts as a growth factor for early hematopoietic progenitors. By acting on its receptor...
【每周一鼠】白血病治疗热门靶点-Flt3基因 - 知乎
在pIpC处理后,Mx1cre/+ Flt3fl/fl小鼠Lin−SCA-1+KIT+细胞和淋巴祖细胞(CLP)上的Flt3几乎丧失,造血干细胞(HSC)数量(Lin - SCA-1+ KIT+ CD48- CD150+)显著降低,早期胸腺祖细胞(ETP)(Lin - CD4 - CD8a - KIT+ CD25 -)细胞显著低于Mx1+/+ Flt3fl/fl小鼠(图 3)。
Flt3 signaling regulates the proliferation, survival, and …
Flt3 signaling plays a crucial role in regulating the survival and differentiation of lymphoid progenitors into B cell precursors (BCPs) in bone marrow. To define further the role of Flt3 signaling in lymphoid progenitor survival, mice deficient in Flt3 ligand that also expressed a Bcl2 transgene (Eμ-bcl2tg flt3l−/−) were generated.