Simoloyer CM20 - Zoz GmbH
The CM20 is used mainly for industrial applications. The grinding units are quick changeable; the capacity of the processing chamber is between 10 and 20 litres. This relates to a powder load of 2-4kg.
High Kinetic Processing (HKP) in the Simoloyer® represents the most advanced technique for Mechanical Alloying (MA), High Energy (HEM) and Reactive Milling (RM) for making Nanostructures. Simoloyer® base unit remains the same in batch-, auto-batch and semi-continuous operation while different grinding units are equipped with corresponding ports.
宙驰新材-Simoloyer® CM20
The CM20 is used mainly for industrial applications. The grinding units are quick changeable; the capacity of the processing chamber is between 10 and 20 litres. This relates to a powder load of 2-4kg.
Today Zoz is a leading partner for high intensity milling processes (Mechanical Alloying, High Energy Milling, Reactive Milling) on a laboratory and industrial scale. Intensive work on developments on materials science, that directly refers to applications in wear-resistance,
Zoz GmbH Maltoz fi-Strasse D 57482 Wenden ... NJ Ł Tokyo Ł Seoul Ł Mexico City Ł Taichung Ł Tsingtao Ł Vilvoorde Ł Mumbai Simoloyerfi CM20 (auto-batch configuration) ...
Bild ®2: Herstellung von nanostrukturiertem Hüttensand im Tonnenmaßstab mittels Hochkinetischer Prozessanlage Simoloyer CM20-20lm-s1 (Zoz baut solche Anlagen bis zu 45x größer) mit kontinuierlichem Materialfördersystem für Zement. Genau diese "Labor"-
Simoloyer CM20 - Zoz GmbH
Simoloyer CM20 Die CM20 befindet wird industriell angewendet. Mit Losgrößen von bis zu 4kg Pulver kann durch die teilweise sehr geringen Prozesszeit schon innerhalb einer kurzen Zeit erhebliche Produktmenge gewonnen werden.Auch hier gibt es mehrere Wechselmahleinheiten mit Mahlraumvolumen von 10 und 20 Litern.
E [email protected] Changzhou • Taichung www.zoz.de ® CM20-up & operation-net Filling ratio* 20kg 30kg 40kg 50kg * Ø5mm steel balls, without powder, strongly depending on application resp. powder material Process control (Maltoz®) Standard PC (pre-installation by Zoz GmbH is recommended) Minimal requirement: • AMD/Intel processor 1 GHz • 512 ...
2023年8月31日 · www.zoz.de HKP in the Simoloyer® Media Reload Processing (MRP) High Kinetic Processing (HKP) in the Simoloyer® represents the most advanced technique for Mechanical Alloying (MA), High Energy (HEM) and Reactive Milling …
宙驰新材-服务 - zozcn.cn
Early 1998 we started a small-scale powder production in our laboratory operations. For the execution of external jobs as well as for research projects, several Simoloyer (CM01, CM08 and CM20) in various types (e.g. chambers with heating system) with full staff equipment like air-locks, sample-units and glove-box are under operation.
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