CMCSS | Clarksville-Montgomery County School System
CMCSS is a military-friendly district that is committed to supporting the needs of military-connected students and families. The district has a number of programs and resources in place to help students adjust to the challenges of moving and transitioning to a new school.
CMCSS | Clarksville-Montgomery County School System
The CMCSS Child Nutrition Department provides students with nutritionally balanced and safe meals of the highest quality possible while maintaining a cost-effective program. “You cannot teach a hungry child.” The CMCSS Child Nutrition Department is an active participant in the National School Lunch and National School Breakfast Programs.
CMCSS | Clarksville-Montgomery County School System
Incoming high school freshmen and rising sophomores will have the opportunity to apply to ten different college and career academies across the district. These academies have been created to align with student interests as well as the local and national job market.
Back to school: CMCSS student dress code - ClarksvilleNow.com
2018年8月4日 · CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. ( CLARKSVILLENOW) – Students’ first half-day of school in the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System is Monday, Aug. 6. As kids prepare to go back, parents are purchasing...
2. A t ransf er of personnel can be arranged t hat woul d not adversel y aff ect t he academi c or at hl et i c programs of t he school s i nvol ved. 3. Unusual or at ypi cal ci rcumst ances t hat , i n t he opi ni on of t he Di rect or of S chool s or desi gnee, are deemed t o j ust i f y t he resi gnat i on.
cmcss k-12 virtual school logo | voyagers brandon grotesque bold brandon grotesque medium open sans regular open sans semibold pms 3581 c rgb (34, 54, 103) #223667 cmyk (98, 88, 32, 20) pms 2041 c rgb (59, 82, 131) #3b5283 cmyk (87, 73, 24, 8) icons
Clarksville-Montgomery County School System - Wikipedia
Clarksville-Montgomery County School System (CMCSS) is a system of schools in Montgomery County, Tennessee serving a population of over 166,722 people. It is the seventh largest district in Tennessee and has earned whole district accreditation. CMCSS is also ISO 9001 certified. Jean Luna-Vedder is currently the Director of Schools.
Sign In - adfs.cmcss.net
Sign in with your full CMCSS email address and email password.
Employee Resources - Clarksville-Montgomery County School …
CMCSS Employee Resources Documents Directory Calendars Onsite Handbook ClassLink General Resources. Alive and Well Program; Bullying Prevention for Staff; Employee Discounts; Employee Rights; Inclement Weather; Reporting Suspected Child Abuse (INS …
CMCSS | Clarksville-Montgomery County School System
Clarksville-Montgomery County School System; 621 Gracey Avenue; Clarksville, Tennessee 37040 (931) 648-5600 [email protected] ISO 21001:2018 Certified Organization