windows - run powershell command from cmd - Super User
2016年5月24日 · I placed the following commands into a batch file to reset Edge (which has been giving some problems from time to time). The batch file was then run at Administrator level. Please note the triple quotes in the powershell line. This example may clarify things for those trying to run a powershell command from a "cmd" command line.
What do you call the language you use in CMD nowadays?
2023年3月16日 · Microsoft documentation seems to call cmd.exe language Command Shell or Windows Commands, as opposed to PowerShell or Windows Script (wscript/cscript) languages. In the older (MS-DOS) documentation, the language is referred to as Batch Commands.
Command Prompt - Shell, Terminal, Console? - Super User
So if cmd.exe == "Command Prompt" == Console Program, does that make the window that opens a Console, Console Window or a Terminal? Bonus: Since a shell is a program that runs other program, cmd.exe must also be one. That said, what shell is it (i.e. *NIX has bash for example)? Is it just Windows Shell?
How to use Cmd's tab autocomplete effectively? - Super User
2013年4月15日 · Cygwin will allow you to run a Bash shell (apart from many other POSIX environment software) under Windows. Otherwise, you might try an alternative shell, rather than than the ancient Command Prompt, to find one that best fits your needs. Here is a list of some consoles that emulate bash on Windows : win-bash Road Bash Git Bash described in ...
How can I use a Bash-like shell on Windows? - Super User
Clink combines the native Windows shell cmd.exe with the powerful command line editing features of the GNU Readline library, which provides rich completion, history, and line-editing capabilities. (so it does not provide bash-as-a-programming-language features or …
shell script - How to execute .sh files on Windows? - Super User
Alternatively, if you know Unix script commands, very well, and you know Windows .cmd and .bat file commands, very well, you can translate the .sh file into a .bat or .cmd file. Even so, you will often encounter more Unix-styled programs that have no equivalent under Windows- …
How, from a cmd, start a new cmd instance and run a command …
2017年10月12日 · @BrunoBieri /c tells cmd to run the command then exit. As opposed to /k that tells cmd to run the command and remain open - basically sit at the command prompt.
What is the difference between CMD and Command prompt in …
Today, I, for a change, typed command in Run instead of cmd and found that there is something new on my window. It has "DOS" in its window. So, obviously there should be difference between cmd and command. I would like to know. The difference between them. Why Microsoft separated them (Unix & Linux has only one shell by default, Bash).
How do I replace the system shell (explorer.exe) with another …
Here is a way to solve the issue: using cmd to launching other programs. For example: You can put C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c notepad in the Shell key. If you want to launch the explorer AFTER notepad exited, you can put C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c …
How to set an alias in Windows Command Line? - Super User
Aside from directory navigation, you can create a foo.cmd somewhere on your PATH and it can act much as an alias. Remember, unlike Linux/OSX shells, cmd files can affect environment variables and the session, without needing to source them. I have a cdbin.cmd to navigate me, for example: d: cd \home\bin And this is a pseudo-grep grep.cmd ...