CMF 51—Acquisition, Logistics & Technology (Proponent: U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center) The CMF for AL&T contains one MOS (51C) that is used to support acquisition and contracting
2024年8月21日 · Combat engineers conduct mobility, counter-mobility, and survivability operations in support of combat forces. The combat engineer works as a member of a team, squad, or platoon performing...
ACT - Army Career Tracker
ACT is the Army's Enterprise IT solution for Leader Development and the Total Army Sponsorship Program (TASP). ACT significantly changes the way Training, Education, Self -Development and...
Army wide Special Duty Assignments are specific, defined and provided in the Annex to the Board MOI
Military Job Specialties - Army CMF and MOS - LiveAbout
2019年10月10日 · In order to choose a career path in the U.S. Army, you'll need to understand what Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) and Career Management Fields (CMF) are available. Here you can find a handy list of these career fields and how they're divided.
List of United States Army careers - Wikipedia
Related MOSs are grouped together by Career Management Fields (CMF). For example, an enlisted soldier with MOSC 11B works as an infantryman (his MOS), and is part of CMF 11 (the CMF for infantry). Commissioned officers are classified by their area of concentration, or AOC. Just like enlisted MOSCs, AOCs are two digits plus a letter.
U.S. Army Transportation Corps and Transportation School | Fort …
The CMF 88 series provides a full spectrum of transportation capabilities at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels of war, enabling a CONUS-based and forward-deployed Army to...
2023年8月9日 · CMF 92 ProgressionChart Automated Logistical Specialist Senior Noncom-missioned Logisti- cian Unit Supply Specialist Command Sergeant Major Nominative Parachute ... Military/Civilian Education. Critical. Development. Broadening Opportunities. Military Training. 2 4 6 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. 22. 24. WLC. Equipment Records/Parts SGT; Materiel
Guidance to individuals, commanders, personnel managers, proponents, and combat and material developers. Additionally, it contains information on the classification of individuals by identifiers...
CMF Army Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
CMF in Army refers to Career Management Fields, which are specific areas of specialization within the Army that guide personnel in their career development and training paths. These fields are designed to align soldiers with roles that best utilize their skills and interests.