• An MCG scan using the CMI 2409 involves four adjacent measurements to produce a 6 x 6 output with a corresponding 200 mm x 200 mm coverage area. • An electronic noise suppression system (ENSS) which utilizes output from three additional SQUIDS (not linked to a gradiometer) enhances the quality of the magnetic field measurements.
Device Name: CMI 2409 Magnetocardiograph Indications For Use: The CMI Magnetocardiograph is intended for use as a tool that non-invasively measures and displays the magnetic signals produced by...
Diagnostic value of magnetocardiography in coronary artery disease …
2013年9月1日 · The 9-channel CMI-2409 by CardioMag Imaging is an unshielded SQUID MCG system approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Association (FDA) in 2004 for measuring and displaying cardiac magnetic signals [4]. Detailed description of the physical properties, instrumentation set-up and a list of SQUID MCG are available in relevant published literature [4 ...
2016年2月2日 · The Model 2409 CMI Magnetocardiograph produced and marketed by CardioMag Imaging, Inc. is a commercial device which performs these measurements and which is legally marketed
CMI magnetocardiograph model 2409 (CardioMag Imaging Inc.) …
CMI magnetocardiograph model 2409 (CardioMag Imaging Inc.) for diagnosis of acute chest pain. Lansdale: HAYES, Inc.. Healthcare Technology Brief Publication. 2011
心磁图在冠心病诊断中的临床应用 - 百度文库
【摘 要】目的:探讨心磁图(MCG)在冠心病(CHD)诊断中的临床应用价值.方法:应用美国CardioMag Imaging公司生产的CMI-2409型心磁图仪,分别对383例冠心病患者(冠状动脉造影显示至少1支冠状动脉主要分支狭窄≥50%)和110例非冠心病患者(冠状动脉造影无狭窄)进行心磁图检查,对 ...
心磁图仪的临床应用 - wanfangdata.com.cn
摘要: 心磁图是无创性记录和分析心动周期中由电活动所产生的电磁场成分和变化的方法,通过一个低温超导量子介入装置探测和量化心脏非常微小的磁信号,用于冠心病的诊断,并估计心肌病变.我院于2003年引进的美国CardioMag Imaging公司生产的CMI-2409型心磁图仪是 ...
CMI-2409型心磁图仪构造与检测方法 - 心电图学 - zsbeike.com
cmi-2409型心磁图仪构造与检测方法 : (一)仪器的组成 cmi-2409型心磁图仪主要包括3个部分:①检查床:为双层带滑轮可移动检查床(图69-1);②信号采集装置(系统):由9个3×3距阵排列的squid的传感器置于装有液氦的低温保持器(-269℃)中,通过光纤电缆连接到主机上;③信号处理系
心磁图仪注册技术审评探讨 - 百度文库
超导量子干涉器件(SQUID)作为磁传感器, 该传感器及其读出电路将探测到的心磁信号转换为电 压信号,经控制电路输出,送入到数据采集卡,供计 算机成像分析及后续数据处理。 注册证号:国食药监械 (进)字2005第2213200号, 产地美国,型号CMI 2409,但临床使用情况并不理 想,注册证过期未延续。 心磁图仪技术审评难点在于国内外无相应的产品 标准、行业标准参考,且心磁图的临床应用及分析方 法尚未形成统一标准。 国内尚无自主研发的同类产品 上市,技术 …
CMI 2409 Magnetocardiograph. 510(k) No.: K033488. 4. Indications for Use The Creavo Vitalscan Magnetocardiograph is intended for use as a tool which non-invasively measures and displays the...
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