Rad-hard CMOS 4000B series - STMicroelectronics
ST's rad-hard CMOS 4000B logic series is specifically designed to cover hi-rel requirements and space applications. These 4000 CMOS devices are available with supply voltages from 3 V up to 20 V, and offer excellent immunity to radiation up to 100 krad and are ESCC qualified.
List of 4000-series integrated circuits - Wikipedia
The following is a list of CMOS 4000-series digital logic integrated circuits. In 1968, the original 4000-series was introduced by RCA.
4000-series integrated circuits - Wikipedia
CD4007A on a solderless breadboard The 4000 series is a CMOS logic family of integrated circuits (ICs) first introduced in 1968 by RCA. [1] It was slowly migrated into the 4000B buffered series after about 1975. [2] It had a much wider supply voltage range than any contemporary logic family (3V to 18V recommended range for "B" series).
抗辐射CMOS 4000B系列 - 意法半导体STMicroelectronics
ST's rad-hard CMOS 4000B logic series is specifically designed to cover hi-rel requirements and space applications. These 4000 CMOS devices are available with supply voltages from 3 V up to 20 V, and offer excellent immunity to radiation up to 100 krad and are ESCC qualified.
HCC4002B - 抗辐照双路4输入或非门 - 意法半导体STMicroelectronics
The HCC40xxB and HCC45xxB series are legacy high-voltage CMOS logic gate and functions also known as the CMOS4000B series. The parts have a guaranteed radiation hardness for both single event effects (SEE) and total ionization dose (TID), guaranteed in the -55 °C to +125 °C range, and are packaged in ceramic hermetic packages.
抗辐射CMOS 4000B系列: 相关PDF文档 - STMicroelectronics
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Rad-hard quad 2-input NOR gate - STMicroelectronics
The HCC40xxB and HCC45xxB series are legacy high-voltage CMOS logic gate and functions also known as the CMOS4000B series. The parts have a guaranteed radiation hardness for both single event effects (SEE) and total ionization dose (TID), guaranteed in the -55 °C to +125 °C range, and are packaged in ceramic hermetic packages.
知乎盐选 | 2.3 CMOS 门电路
4000A 与 4000B 两者的不同点是: (1)4000A 的电源电压范围为 3~15V,4000B 的电源电压范围为 3~18V。 (2)4000B 是在 4000A 的基础上后接 2 级缓冲器构成的,使电路的增益大大提高而且使输入、输出充分隔离。 在 4000B 系列中同时保留了不带缓冲器的产品,称为 4000VB。
CD4000BMS, CD4001BMS, CD4002BMS, and CD4025BMS NOR gates provide the system designer with direct implementation of the NOR function and supplement the existing family of CMOS gates. All inputs and outputs are buffered.