C1409 4-Port 9 GHz Analyzer - Copper Mountain Technologies
This “full rack” vector network analyzer with dimensions of 14″ x 17.3″ x 3.8″ (355 x 440 x 96 mm) and a weight of just 22 lbs. (10 kg), can be used in the laboratory and in production testing, without requiring a lot of space.
Products - Copper Mountain Technologies
Copper Mountain Technologies (CMT) pioneered metrology-grade USB VNAs in 2011 and continues to drive industry change through customer-focused solutions including a broad range of vector network analyzers, calibration kits, and accessories.
C1409 - Copper Mountain Technologies | Vector Network Analyzer
The C1409 from Copper Mountain Technologies is a 4-port modular vector network analyzer that operates from 100 kHz to 9 GHz. The VNA can measure all S parameters and can be controlled using any Windows PC or laptop. It has a dynamic range of up to 138 dB (10Hz IF BW), directivity of 46 dB and sweep speeds of 10 microseconds per point.
C1409 4-Port 9 GHz Analyzer - sumberinstrumindo.com
C1409 Vector Network Analyzer delivers industry-leading dynamic range and sweep speed, with all the features engineers have come to expect included standard in our software.
C1409:四端口(100kHz~9GHz)钴蓝-矢量网络分析仪模块_东莞 …
c1409 vna包括一个射频测量模块和s4软件应用程序,可在通过usb接口连接到测量硬件的pc、笔记本电脑、平 板电脑或x86板计算机上运行Windows或Linux操作系统。
9GHz向量網路分析儀 (Vector Network Analyzer), C1409 - 從伸科 …
CMT C1409 Vector Network Analyzer. Frequency range: 100 kHz to 9 GHz; Measured parameters: S11, S12, S21, S22.....S33.....S44; Sweep types: Linear frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep; Dynamic range: >152 dB (10 Hz IF bandwidth) typ. Measurement speed: 10 µs, min typ. Output power adjustment range: -60 dBm to +15 dBm
C1409 4端口9GHz矢量网络分析仪 - 美国 CMT-矢量网络分析仪
C1409 Vector Network Analyzer delivers industry-leading dynamic range and sweep speed, with all the features engineers have come to expect included standard in our software. This “full rack” vector network analyzer with dimensions of 14″ x 17.3″ x 3.8″ (355 x 440 x 96 mm) and a weight of just 22 lbs. (10 kg), can be used in the ...
Copper Mountain OTA天线测试系统_天线远场微波暗室测量方案_ …
这款完整的 5G 无线 (OTA) 天线测试系统是与 MilliBox 合作提供的,可进行高达 54 GHz 的 72 cm 远场测量。 每个 OTA 捆绑包均由 CMT 的 C4209 VNA 锚定,包括一个台式紧凑型电波暗室、一个 3D 天线定位器 (Gimbal)、一组频率扩展器模块、MilliBox 开发的复杂但直观的测量软件以及其他必要的配件,以完全建立一个用于远场和亚太赫兹天线测量的暗室。 1. 腔室 2 大立方体,远场 = 72cm. 2. 定位器GIM04-230E. 4. FET1854扩展模块. 5. VNA 和扩展器的电源. 6. 匹配高度延长 …
Vector Network Analyzers – CMT C-Series 9GHz – Signal Solutions
C Series Vector Network Analyzer is the performance series and delivers industry-leading dynamic range and sweep speed, with all the features engineers have come to expect included standard in our software. 9 GHz models are available in 2- / 4-port models, with or without Direct Receiver Access and with or without frequency extender compatibilty.
C1409 - Copper Mountain Technologies
Copper Mountain Technologies (CMT) pioneered metrology-grade USB VNAs in 2011 and continues to drive industry change through customer-focused solutions including a broad range of vector network analyzers, calibration kits, and accessories.
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