CMU - Clock Management Unit | EFM32PG22 | | v4.3 - Silicon Labs
Clock management unit (CMU) Peripheral API. This module contains functions for the CMU peripheral of Silicon Labs 32-bit MCUs and SoCs. The CMU module controls oscillators, clocks gates, clock multiplexers, pre-scalers, calibration modules and wait-states. CMU_LFXOInit_TypeDef. CMU_HFXOInit_TypeDef. CMU_DPLLInit_TypeDef. HFRCODPLL frequency bands.
This application note provides an overview of the CMU module for EFR32 Wireless Gecko Series 2 devices with explanations on how to choose clock sources, prescaling, and clock calibration. It also contains information about how to handle oscillators on wake up, external clock sources, and RC oscillator calibration.
CMU - Clock Management Unit - Silicon Labs
Clock management unit (CMU) Peripheral API. This module contains functions for the CMU peripheral of Silicon Labs 32-bit MCUs and SoCs. The CMU module controls oscillators, clocks gates, clock multiplexers, pre-scalers, calibration modules and wait-states. LFXO initialization structure. HFXO initialization structure. Get the AUXHFRCO band in use.
EFM32 Gecko Software Documentation: CMU - GitHub Pages
Clock management unit (CMU) Peripheral API. This module contains functions to control the CMU peripheral of Silicon Labs 32-bit MCUs and SoCs. The CMU controls oscillators and clocks.
efm32低功耗时钟模块cmuClock_CORELE - CSDN博客
Sep 8, 2017 · 一、在一般没有功耗管理单元的MCU中,我们时钟树的配置就是. @1: 选择时钟源,使能外部时钟,外部时钟包括 高速时钟和低速时钟,以上面的为例子,高速时钟选择 cmuOsc_HFXO ,低速时钟选择 cmuOsc_LFXO. @2: 设置总线时钟,MCU的高速时钟总线 cmuClock_HF以 cmuSelect_HFXO 作为源时钟。 MCU的低速总线2个,低速时钟总线cmuClock_LFA 以cmuSelect_LFXO作为时钟源。 低速时钟总线cmuClock_LFB …
emlib/inc/em_cmu.h at master · EnergyMicro/emlib · GitHub
Please refer to CMU overview in reference manual. */ typedef enum { /*******************/ /* HF clock branch */ /*******************/ /** High frequency clock */ #if defined …
EFM32 Gecko Software Documentation: EMU - GitHub Pages
Energy Management Unit (EMU) Peripheral API. This module contains functions to control the EMU peripheral of Silicon Labs 32-bit MCUs and SoCs. The EMU handles the different low energy modes in Silicon Labs microcontrollers. Set DCDC LN regulator conduction mode. More... Configure DCDC regulator. More... Set DCDC Low-noise RCO band. More...
CMU - Clock Management Unit | EFM32PG12/JG12 | | v4.4.4
Clock management unit (CMU) Peripheral API. This module contains functions for the CMU peripheral of Silicon Labs 32-bit MCUs and SoCs. The CMU module controls oscillators, clocks gates, clock multiplexers, pre-scalers, calibration modules and wait-states. CMU_LFXOInit_TypeDef. CMU_HFXOInit_TypeDef. CMU_DPLLInit_TypeDef.
How to solve cmuClock_HF symbol could not be resolved issue
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EFR32 Mighty Gecko 13 Software Documentation: EMU - GitHub …
HF clock can be set to any frequency. emuVScaleEM01_LowPower Low-power optimized voltage level. The HF clock must be limited to CMU_VSCALEEM01_LOWPOWER_VOLTAGE_CLOCK_MAX Hz at this voltage. EM0/1 voltage scaling is applied when the core clock frequency is changed from CMU or when calling EMU_EM01Init() when the HF clock is already below the limit.