Home - Computing Services - Carnegie Mellon University
We provide a range of solutions, including network and internet access, cybersecurity, software and hardware support, account management, and specialized IT services designed to meet both academic and administrative needs.
Support - Computing Services - Carnegie Mellon University
The Computing Services Help Center offers email, phone, and walk-in support to all Carnegie Mellon University students, faculty, and staff. Listen to the phone options for after-hour support for security and network emergencies. For Compromised Computer …
Homepage - CMU - Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University challenges the curious and passionate to deliver work that matters. CMU is a global research university known for its world-class, interdisciplinary programs: arts, business, computing, engineering, humanities, policy and science.
Computing Services - Office of the CIO - Carnegie Mellon University
Computing Services is committed to a service-based approach to managing and delivering IT services that support the needs of the Carnegie Mellon University community. We invite you to browse our catalog of available services with request, eligibility, and instructional information for …
IT Lab: Summer Cybersecurity Fellowship - Carnegie Mellon University…
IT Lab: Summer Security Intensive (SSI) is a paid seven-week summer fellowship during which participants: SSI is a fellowship program for rising college seniors. This program is designed for U.S. citizens and permanent residents interested in pursuing graduate degrees and careers in the information security sector.
卡内基梅隆大学 - 百度百科
卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University),简称CMU,是坐落于美国宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡的私立大学,在匹兹堡,美国硅谷及卡塔尔设有校区;“新常春藤”,全球大学校长论坛成员。
Software - Computing Services - Carnegie Mellon University
We offer several options for accessing the latest software titles. Computer labs have all the software you need to complete your coursework. We also have virtual and download options. Many software titles are licensed for download while at the university. Some commonly used applications include ...
Master of Information Technology Strategy (MITS)
The Master of Information Technology Strategy is a cooperative endeavor administered by the Carnegie Mellon Institute for Strategy & Technology and in partnership with the College of Engineering and the School of Computer Science.
Master's Degree in Information Systems Management
2024年12月2日 · Our world-renowned information systems and management program. This three-semester, Pittsburgh-based pathway includes our rigorous business-technology curriculum and a summer internship. Experienced professionals can get their MISM degree in just one year.
Homepage - SCS Computing Facilities - Carnegie Mellon University
SCS Computing Facilities - Providing specialized technical consulting, research computing technology, desktop computing technology and IT support services to the Students, Faculty and Staff of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University.