Wordmarks, Lettermark, Unitmarks - The CMU Brand - Carnegie Mellon ...
Carnegie Mellon University has several marks or logos that provide quick identification of the institution and its units. Role: The Wordmark is the primary identity element in our system. Our Wordmark functions as the official university logo, using only the words in our name and no other graphic elements. It is a unique expression of who we are.
Neuroscience Institute - Carnegie Mellon University
The Neuroscience Institute at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA was launched to bring together faculty and students from across the University to conduct multi-disciplinary work to advance the state of brain science.
Visual Identity - The CMU Brand - Carnegie Mellon University
Our visual identity system creates a widely recognized, positive image of the university. It is critical that the university adopts a consistent use of Carnegie Mellon University's official Wordmark, colors and other identity elements, and that the university limits the number of variations in use.
About Us - Neuroscience Institute - Carnegie Mellon University
The Neuroscience Institute at Carnegie Mellon University brings together faculty and students from across the University to conduct multi-disciplinary work to advance the state of brain science.
Blueprint - The CMU Brand - Carnegie Mellon University
The Carnegie Mellon University Brand Blueprint outlines and articulates who we are as a university — defining our brand. The CMU brand emerges from images and words interacting, forming a distinct impression of our beliefs and values in the minds of our audience.
卡内基梅隆大学 - 百度百科
卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University),简称CMU,是坐落于美国宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡的私立大学,在匹兹堡,美国硅谷及卡塔尔设有校区;“新常春藤”,全球大学校长论坛成员。
RI Branding & Identity - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University
RI Branding & Identity Our logo files, identity and nomenclature guidelines are available to members of the Carnegie Mellon community on the RoboGuide (intranet). Learn more about the Robotics Institute mission, vision and values on the About Us
File:CMU logo stack cmyk red.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
2012年6月27日 · Carnegie Mellon University: File:Carnegie Mellon University wordmark.svg is a vector version of this file. It should be used in place of this JPG file when not inferior. File:CMU logo stack cmyk red.jpg → ...
Carnegie Mellon University Logo & Brand Assets (SVG, PNG and …
Find the Carnegie Mellon University style guide with brand assets such as logos, colors, fonts, and more.
美国卡内基梅隆大学校徽logo矢量图 - 设计之家 - sj33.cn
2008年1月20日 · 卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University),简称CMU,坐落在美国宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡,是一所拥有13,600名在校学生和1,423名教职及科研人员的世界顶尖学府,美国25所新常春藤盟校之一。
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