Bordeaux Color Codes - colorcodes.io
In the RGB (red, green, blue) system, the bordeaux color percentage is comprised of bordeaux in the RGB system is (87,45,45). Whereas the RGB values focus on a 3-color combination, the CMYK values focus on 4-color combinations. Furthermore, the CMYK values for bordeaux are (25,83,62,67) almost parallel to the actual percentages.
#5F021F Hex Color | RGB: 95, 2, 31 | BORDEAUX, RED
#5F021F Hex Color for the Web has the RGB values of 95, 2, 31 and the CMYK colour values of 0, 97.9, 67.4, 62.7. This web color is described by the following tags: BORDEAUX, RED. The page belows contains color combinations, color schemes, color palettes and images that match and go good together with the hex color 5F021F.
Bordeaux RGB, CMYK, HEX Color Codes and Color Meaning
Bordeaux is a dark color, so if you’re using it as a background or base color, you’ll need lighter colors for contrasting text. Bordeaux is similar to maroon, but reads as more romantic and elegant, thanks to the pink tones. Use it as a substitute for brown to add a romantic vibe to a project meant to evoke home and warmth.
About Bordeaux - Color meaning, codes, similar colors and paints ...
In the RGB color model, Bordeaux has a red value of 127, a green value of 23, and a blue value of 52. The CMYK color model (also known as process color, used in color printing) comprises 0.0% cyan, 81.9% magenta, 59.1% yellow, and 50.2% key (black). The HSL color scale has a hue of 343.3° (degrees), 69.3 % saturation, and 29.4 % lightness.
波尔多红 Bordeaux red - 千通彩色库
答 波尔多红色号的RGB色值为 (94,0,4), Hex (十六进制色值)为 #5E0004, CMYK未登记 ,请注意,这些数值是由计算机模拟的颜色,实际生产中请参阅最新出版的实物色卡确认!
Bordeaux color - #7B002C - The Official Register of Color Names
For printing in non digital world, #7B002C is represented in CMYK as 0 Cyan, 48 Magenta, 31 Yellow, and 52 Black (Key) (C:0 M:48 Y:31 K:52). View this color variations of tints, shades, tones and hues. Tints look brighter, pastel, and less intense. Shades look darker, richer, and more solid.
Bordeaux Color – What Color is Bordeaux? - artincontext.org
2022年11月12日 · Bordeaux absorbs the quality of all the primary colors revealing a bright character, and expressing respectability, dignity as well as power. The color also adds a touch of Christmas to the holidays, and as such, most of the traditional decorations depicting the new year are very often a shade of Bordeaux.
Maroon / Bordo / #800000 Renk Şema Kodları ve Boyalar
Onaltılı renk kodu ile maroon / Bordo renk #800000, kırmızı 'ın orta koyu bir tonudur. RGB renk modellemesinde #800000; 50.2% kırmızı, 0.0% yeşil ve 0.0% maviden oluşur. HSL renk modellemesinde #800000; 0° (derece) tonu, 100% dogunluk ve 25% açıklık içerir. Bu rengin dalga boyu yaklaşık olarak şudur 611.37 nm. İndir:
Bordó szín, színkódokkal
A Bordó szín hexadecimális kódja a #811331. Az ennek megfelelő RGB értékek a következők (129, 19, 49), ami azt jelenti, hogy a szín 51% pirosból, 7% zöldből és 19% kékből áll össze. A CMYK kódja, amit a nyomtatókban használunk ennek a színnek nem ismert.
Html Css Color HEX #4C0013 Bordeaux
Process color model (Four color, CMYK) of #4C0013 is Cyan = 0, Magento = 1, Yellow = 0.75 and Black (K on CMYK) = 0.70.
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