CNC Red Alert 2 download - CnCNet Community Forums
2024年1月23日 · 1. When i try to download the CNC app for red alert 2 it always downloads the Yuris revenge version. Therefore when i start the game it starts YR. Is there a way to enable it to start with RA2. When i try to start an online game and eventual ranked i would like to play RA2 and not YR for now. Thank you
RA2 & YR Maps - A ginormous collection of maps! - CnCNet …
2015年10月15日 · Links to other websites with RA2/YR maps. RA2Maps.zzattack.org. CnCLabs (tags: red alert 2 maps yuri's revenge maps packs "red alert 2 maps" collection download links cnc map renderer final alert 2 map maker) Edited July 12, 2020 by fir3w0rx
Red Alert 2 - CnCNet Community Forums
2024年12月10日 · Red Alert 2 / Yuri's Revenge Mind controlled squids, attack dolphins, weather control devices..discuss Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge in here
How to make RA2 & YR maps - Final Alert 2 Tutorial
2018年3月15日 · At first run, FA2 will ask you to select your game directory for Ra2.exe to load the terrain data from the game files. Once done, follow this tutorial to set it up for smooth editing & map creation. Note: that this version of Final Alert 2 doesn't come with an installer and is compatible with modern operating systems. Features
RA2/YR Maps - CnCNet Community Forums
2015年10月15日 · Yuris Revenge RA2 & YR Maps ... CNC-COMM (C&C Nostalgia) C&C GENERALS & BEYOND; C&C:Online (Gamespy ...
How do i add new Ra2 or YR maps to the game?
2021年3月13日 · I couldnt install cnc ra2 in the \games\ra2 because there is no copy of the actual ra2 game there. I am able to install cnc ra2 in the C:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\Command & Conquer The First Decade I also have the CnC ra1 download in C:\Games\CnCNet\RedAlert1_Online I noticed that after installing the …
how to play Campaign? - Red Alert 2 - CnCNet Community Forums
2017年8月6日 · Ra2/Yr is not freeware, the same reason XWIS doesnt provide campaign's/music in the MP client, at no point on cncnet do you have to enter your serial number, to provide the campaign through the client would most likelly open them upto a possible lawsuit.
!!!SIEGE UPDATE [VERSION 1.3)!!! - Welcome to F[AI]r Mod
2024年6月7日 · * FIXED CnCnet cnc-ddraw freeze on pause. * FIXED AI task forces stuck in his own base. * FIXED AI cannot send their task forces to defend their buildings when they are under attack. * FIXED AI unit freeze randomly. Now all the targeting features are optimized in rules(md).ini. * FIXED AI Siege Choppers can not regroup.
Yuri's Revenge Rebalanced 2.0 - CnCNet Community Forums
2021年4月30日 · Make Grizzlies (and by extension Lashers too) build faster, like the Grizzlies did in vanilla RA2 and also increase their range from 5 to 5.5 (thus giving Grizzlies/Lashers a bit better fighting chance against Rhinos) Robot Tanks can likewise have their weapon range increased from 5 to 5.5 and health slightly increased (from 180 to 200)
RA2 classic soundtrack in YR - CnCNet Community Forums
2020年3月31日 · a few years ago, i was playing red alert 2 on my shittier pc, not the pc that i have today, and when i installed the Yuri's Revenge it had both Red Alert 2 and YR soundtrack in cncnet! I think the reason is because i had only classic RA2 files when i installed it, but now whenever i try to have b...