Structure of Co2(CO)6(dppm) and Co2(CO)5(CHCO2Et)(dppm) …
2008年5月20日 · The Co 2 (CO) 6 (dppm) and Co 2 (CO) 5 (CHCO 2 Et)(dppm) complexes have been synthesized and characterized by liquid- and solid-state NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. The kinetics of the 13 CO incorporation has been measured by …
13.4.1: Carbon Monoxide (Carbonyl Complexes ... - Chemistry …
The expected formula for Co carbonyl would be Co(CO) 6 3+, but it is not known, and neither is the higher homologue, the Rh(CO) 6 3+. Only the Ir(CO) 6 3+ has been isolated. This reflects a general trend in carbonyl chemistry.
10.2: Principles of carbonyl complexes - Chemistry LibreTexts
V(CO) 6 is a dark violet radical of octahedral shape. The radical electron is sterically inactive. V(CO) 6 can be used as an oxidant because it can be reduced easily to the 18 valence electron species V(CO) 6-. The higher homologues Nb(CO) 6 and Ta(CO) 6 are not known. This may be explained by the weaker orbital overlap between the relatively ...
有机人名反应——Pauson-Khand反应 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Pauson-Khand反应是指 过渡金属催化 的分子间或分子内 碳碳双键 、三键和CO的[2+ 2 +1]三组分偶联反应。由于烯烃或者炔烃在进行分子间反应反应的时候,常常伴有产物立体构型的问题,而该反应是分子内反应,比较容易控制立体构型,这也是该反应的一大优点。
Energy-efficient CO2/CO interconversion by homogeneous copper …
2023年10月27日 · Facile conversion of CO 2 to commercially viable carbon feedstocks offer a unique way to adopt a net-zero carbon scenario. Synthetic CO 2 -reducing catalysts have rarely exhibited...
羰基合成 - 百度百科
对钴催化剂的改进,是在原催化剂中引入有机膦配位基,形成Co2 (CO)6【P (n-C4H9)3】2络合物,以提高正构产物的选择性,使正、异构醛之比提高至4左右。 改进的钴催化剂热稳定性较好,并有加氢活性,羰基合成过程可在较低压力下进行,并可在同一反应器中同时进行氢甲酰化和催化加氢。 ②铑催化剂以 HRh (CO)·【P (C6H5)3】3·的活性高、热稳定性好,可用于较低压力的操作过程;选择性高,产物中正、异构醛之比大约为10。 近年来,正在开发一种非 均相催化剂,它既具有均相催 …
陈军&严振华Angew综述:CO2电还原至CO的进展与挑战--从基础 …
电催化CO2还原反应 (CO2RR)...
Housecroft, C.E. and Sharpe, A.G. (2012) Inorganic Chemistry. 4th ...
ABSTRACT: Oxidative-decarbonylation of Co2 (CO) 6 (μ-PhC≡CH) with Me3NO in the presence of an electron deficient ligand, Ph2PC5F6PPh2 (F6FOS), produces Co2 (CO) 4 (μ-PhC≡CH) (F6FOS), (1). The metrical values of 1 have been compared to those of the closely related cobalt carbonyl alkyne compound A containing (Z)-Ph2PCH=CHPPh2 (Z-dppe) ligand.
CCTBA - 上海源象化学有限公司
常见用途:一种蒸气压高,在正常条件下热稳定性好的液态ALD前驱体源,用于沉积氧化钴薄膜及金属钴薄膜,可广泛应用于电镀、电致变色器件、非均相催化剂、固态气体传感器、电阻随机存取存储器 (ReRAM)器件等技术领域,此外,氧化钴还是一种活性催化剂,可减小空气污染。
Nature Commun.:光催化CO₂还原,高效制CO和CH₄ - 知乎
在本文中,作者设计出一种 超薄Cu基类水滑石羟基盐 以促进红外(IR)光驱动CO2还原性能的通用性策略。首先,通过理论预测了Cu基材料的相关 能带结构 和光学性质。随后合成出Cu4(SO4)(OH)6纳米片,并发现其在红外光照射下经历基于d-d轨道跃迁的级联电子转移过程。
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