New connectionist tools for prediction of CO2 diffusion …
New models were proposed for CO 2 diffusion coefficient prediction in brine at HPHT. 191 experimental and molecular dynamic data were used for modeling and validation. The models were developed using MLP-ANN, CFNN, RNN, and GEP algorithms. The GEP correlation is the first correlation ever proposed as a function of P, T, and density.
Diffusion Coefficients of Carbon Dioxide in Brines Measured Using
2014年11月24日 · Tracer diffusion coefficients of CO 2 in several brines were measured by 13 C pulsed-field gradient NMR at a temperature of 298 K and at salt molalities of up to 5 mol·kg –1. The brines studied were NaCl(aq), CaCl 2 (aq), Na 2 SO 4 (aq), and a mixed brine prepared from seven salts: NaCl, CaCl 2, MgCl 2, KCl, Na 2 SO 4, SrCl 2, NaHCO 3.
Prediction of CO2 diffusivity in brine using white-box machine learning ...
2020年7月1日 · In this work, two white-box machine learning techniques, namely group method of data handling (GMDH) and gene expression programming (GEP) were implemented for correlating the diffusivity coefficient of CO 2 in brine with pressure, temperature and the …
Effect of Salinity on CO2 Thermodiffusion in Aqueous Mixtures by ...
2023年11月15日 · In this work, we present a methodology to compute the thermal diffusion factor in multicomponent mixtures by combining equilibrium and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. As in binary CO 2 –H 2 O, the CO 2 –brine Soret effect may have a pronounced dependency on temperature; by increasing temperature, CO 2 migrates from ...
Unveil the controls on CO2 diffusivity in saline brines for …
2025年1月1日 · Accurate estimation of the diffusivity of CO 2 in formation brine, one of the dominant mass transfer mechanisms, is crucial for characterizing CO 2 migration and distribution in Geological Carbon Storage (GCS).
Non-constant Diffusion Behavior for CO2 Diffusion into Brine: …
2018年11月14日 · In this study, a pseudo-diffusion coefficient, which considers both the natural convection effect caused by fluid circulation due to density difference and molecule diffusion driven by the dissolved CO2 concentration gradient, is proposed to characterize the unsteady stage of the diffusion process.
CO 2 diffusion coefficient in brine or pure water from the literature.
Several studies available in the literature provide measurements of the diffusion coefficient of CO 2 in both pure water and brine. Many of them are based on the pressure decay method...
The results of CO2 diffusion coefficient in various brine solutions.
Download scientific diagram | The results of CO2 diffusion coefficient in various brine solutions. from publication: A Molecular Dynamics Study on CO2 Diffusion Coefficient in Saline...
New Models for Predicting Co2 Diffusion Coefficient in Brine at …
2024年5月27日 · The goal of this research work was to develop connectionist predictive models and a correlation using four neural network algorithms to predict CO2 diffusion coefficient in CO2-brine system for pressures of up to 100 MPa and temperatures of up to 673°K.
Pore‐Scale Dissolution by CO2 Saturated Brine in a Multimineral ...
2019年2月19日 · We study the impact of physical and chemical heterogeneity on reaction rates in multimineral porous media. We selected two pairs of carbonate samples of different physical heterogeneity in accordance with their initial computed velocity distributions and then injected CO 2 saturated brine at reservoir conditions at two flow rates.