What is the electron configuration of #"Co"^"3+"#? - Socratic
2016年1月3日 · The electron configuration of "Co"^(3+) is ["Ar"] 4s 3d^5. "Co" is in Period 4 of the Periodic Table, and "Ar" is the preceding noble gas. Cobalt is also in Group 9, so it must have …
What is the oxidation number of carbon in the ion (Co3)2
2015年10月22日 · The carbon is fully oxidized. Therefore, it is C, IV^+. The sum of the formal oxidation numbers in an a complex or compound ion must sum to the charge of the ion. Here …
What is the equation for this reaction: Carbonate + Sulfuric Acid?
2018年7月30日 · H_2SO_4 + X CO_3 == H_2O + CO_2 + X SO_4 The positive ion on the Carbonate is unstated, so it is represented by X. The Hydrogen ion on the Sulfuric Acid …
How many resonance structures are there for #CO_3^(2
2015年10月30日 · The answer is 3 May i recommend a video () Let’s consider the Lewis structure of the carbonate ion, CO32‐ . The correct Lewis structure for this ion has one carbon‐oxygen …
What is the charge on a carbonate ion - Socratic
2015年12月19日 · The carbonate dianion MUST have 2 more electrons than it does nuclear protons. Let's see if it does. The number of nuclear protons are the number of positively …
What is the formula for copper ii carbonate? | Socratic
2016年12月12日 · "CuCO"_3 The formula of the carbonate anion: "CO"_3^(2-) The charge of the carbonate anion: 2- The charge of copper(II): 2+ This means that the copper 2+ ion and the …
How many electrons are there in carbonate ion, #CO_3^(2-)
2017年10月4日 · The carbonate dianion is CO_3^(2-) Now, clearly, the ion must contain 2 more electrons, than it does nucular charges.....in one formula unit of CO_3^(2-) there are …
How would you determine the formal charges on each atom in the ...
2016年7月8日 · CO_3^(2-) has 3xx6+4+2=24" valence electrons" to distribute around 4 centres. Clearly I got the number of electrons from the atomic numbers of each element, and added 2 …
What is the formula of ammonium carbonate? | Socratic
2016年7月28日 · ("NH"_4)_2"CO"_3 The important thing to recognize here is the fact that you're dealing with two polyatomic ions, one which acts as cation and one which acts as anion. The …
What are the resonance structures for CO_3^-2? - Socratic
2017年1月27日 · This is a carbonate ion. A resonance structure means that there are more than one way to draw the ion. First, determine the total number of electrons available: 1 Carbon - 4 …