What is the electron configuration of #"Co"^"3+"#? - Socratic
Jan 3, 2016 · The electron configuration of "Co"^(3+) is ["Ar"] 4s 3d^5. "Co" is in Period 4 of the Periodic Table, and "Ar" is the preceding noble gas. Cobalt is also in Group 9, so it must have …
What is the oxidation number of carbon in the ion (Co3)2
Oct 22, 2015 · The carbon is fully oxidized. Therefore, it is C, IV^+. The sum of the formal oxidation numbers in an a complex or compound ion must sum to the charge of the ion. Here …
What is the equation for this reaction: Carbonate + Sulfuric Acid?
Jul 30, 2018 · H_2SO_4 + X CO_3 == H_2O + CO_2 + X SO_4 The positive ion on the Carbonate is unstated, so it is represented by X. The Hydrogen ion on the Sulfuric Acid …
How many resonance structures are there for #CO_3^(2
Oct 30, 2015 · The answer is 3 May i recommend a video () Let’s consider the Lewis structure of the carbonate ion, CO32‐ . The correct Lewis structure for this ion has one carbon‐oxygen …
What is the formula for copper ii carbonate? | Socratic
Dec 12, 2016 · "CuCO"_3 The formula of the carbonate anion: "CO"_3^(2-) The charge of the carbonate anion: 2- The charge of copper(II): 2+ This means that the copper 2+ ion and the …
What is the charge on a carbonate ion - Socratic
Dec 19, 2015 · The carbonate dianion MUST have 2 more electrons than it does nuclear protons. Let's see if it does. The number of nuclear protons are the number of positively charged …
How many electrons are there in carbonate ion, #CO_3^(2-)
Oct 4, 2017 · The carbonate dianion is CO_3^(2-) Now, clearly, the ion must contain 2 more electrons, than it does nucular charges.....in one formula unit of CO_3^(2-) there are …
How would you determine the formal charges on each atom in the ...
Jul 8, 2016 · CO_3^(2-) has 3xx6+4+2=24" valence electrons" to distribute around 4 centres. Clearly I got the number of electrons from the atomic numbers of each element, and added 2 …
What is the formula of ammonium carbonate? | Socratic
Jul 28, 2016 · The important thing to recognize here is the fact that you're dealing with two polyatomic ions, one which acts as cation and one which acts as anion.
What are the resonance structures for CO_3^-2? - Socratic
Jan 27, 2017 · This is a carbonate ion. A resonance structure means that there are more than one way to draw the ion. First, determine the total number of electrons available: 1 Carbon - 4 3 …