Call of the Abyss VIII | Identity V Wiki | Fandom
Call of the Abyss VIII (shortly known as COA VIII) is the eighth tournament part of Call of the Abyss, and has a Mechanical Wasteland theme. It likely takes inspiration from TBA. The …
Call of the Abyss 8——COA8 rules - Identity V
The Call of the Abyss Ⅷ Event, will be divided into four phases: Zephyr Hollow, Leviathan Shore, Ancient Passage, and Oblivion Expanse. 1. [Zephyr Hollow] The preheat will take place from …
Call of the Abyss | Identity V Wiki | Fandom
Call of the Abyss is an annual, server-wide tournament and global festival that anyone can participate in so long as they are part of a team. Rewards are awarded based off of match …
Call of the Abyss VIII/Online Qualifiers | Identity V Wiki | Fandom
The top 8 teams in each division's Ancient Passage rankings (top 5 for Japan Division) will be invited to participate in the following COA Ⅷ online qualifiers. The online qualifiers for …
Call of the Abyss 8——COA8 大会ルール - Identity V
【東南アジア地区】2024 ivc優勝チームは直接coa Ⅷワールド決勝トーナメントへの進出資格を獲得します。 東南アジア地区オンライン予選で残り1つのCOA Ⅷワールド決勝トーナメン …
COA Ⅷ - 第五人格WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
5 天之前 · 深渊的呼唤Ⅷ是《第五人格》最高级别的电竞赛事,也是全民共享的盛典狂欢。 在深渊的呼唤Ⅷ中,玩家们不仅可以通过参与活动赢取丰厚奖励,还有机会争夺象征最高荣耀的总冠 …
深淵的呼喚8——COA8賽事規則 - Identity V
【中國大陸賽區】2024ivl秋季賽冠軍以及剩餘隊伍中本賽季年積分最高的戰隊,共計2支隊伍將獲得直通coaⅧ總決賽的名額;中國大陸賽區線上預選賽將由剩餘的8支ivl戰隊和積分排名前8晉 …
More COA 8 Story! - YouTube
The doll...Timestamps:0:00 Intro0:14 COA 8 Ranking Placement2:04 COA 8 Rewards & Wasteland Treasure Hunt3:03 Wasteland Encampment Day 3 (Story Mode)11:53 End...
COA Ⅷ日本赛区参赛战队 - 第五人格WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
The Final Phase Of COA 8... - YouTube
Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:17 COA 8 Phase 4 & Qualifying NA/EU Teams 2:02 Wasteland Notes (Story Lore) 10:29 Ending Music Used: Preparations (Reunion) - Fire Emblem Echoes Discord …