COS-7 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
COS-7 (亦稱 ATCC CRL-1651 、 CV-1 in Origin Simian-7) 是在 1980年代 初期發現的 非洲 綠猴 腎 細胞系,最初是經帶有編碼 野生型 T 抗原 的起始失活 突變 的 猿猴空泡病毒40 轉染 而建立 [1][2],具有 成纖維細胞 樣和 病毒 敏感性的獨特特徵 [1][2]。 穩定的 細胞系 是轉運體相互作用 研究 及體外評價 藥物 候選物的理想 模型,其中常用的其中一個 宿主 細胞系就是COS-7細胞。 COS-7細胞也會應用在 細胞基因轉錄 的研究及DNA 質體 轉染 實驗 [3],從而分析 類固醇 生成 …
COS-7 - CRL-1651 - ATCC
COS-7 is an African green monkey kidney fibroblast-like cell line suitable for transfection by vectors requiring expression of SV40 T antigen and can be used in toxicology research.
COS-7 Cell Line
The COS-7 cell line was established by Professor Yakov Gluzman in 1981 and is derived from a CV-1 African green monkey fibroblast cell line by transformation with a mutant strain of Simian Virus 40 that codes for the wild-type T-antigen. COS cell lines are used to study SV40 monkey viruses and as a common mammalian production cell for ...
COS cells - Wikipedia
Three COS lines were created (COS-1, COS-3 and COS-7), of which two are commonly used (COS-1 and COS-7). The COS cell lines are often used by biologists when studying the monkey virus SV40. Cells from these lines are also often transfected to produce recombinant proteins for molecular biology, biochemistry, and cell biology experiments. [4]
Cellosaurus cell line COS-7 (CVCL_0224)
Authentication of African green monkey cell lines using human short tandem repeat markers. Identification of various cell culture models for the study of Zika virus.
COS7细胞 - 百度百科
COS-7是来源于非洲绿猴肾 成纤维细胞 并经SV40病毒基因转化的细胞系。 能组成型地表达SV40 T抗原,使得任何复制启始位置带有SV40启动子的转染质粒能够以很高的拷贝数进行复制。 COS-7一般用于病毒和转染研究以及对细胞基因转录的研究中。 COS-7是来源于非洲绿猴肾成纤维细胞并经SV40病毒基因转化的细胞系。
COS-7 - Wikiwand
COS-7 (亦称 ATCC CRL-1651 、 CV-1 in Origin Simian-7) 是在 1980年代 初期发现的 非洲 绿猴 肾 细胞系,最初是经带有编码 野生型 T 抗原 的起始失活 突变 的 猿猴空泡病毒40 转染 而建立 [1][2],具有 成纤维细胞 样和 病毒 敏感性的独特特征 [1][2]。 稳定的 细胞系 是转运体相互作用 研究 及体外评价 药物 候选物的理想 模型,其中常用的其中一个 宿主 细胞系就是COS-7细胞。 COS-7细胞也会应用在 细胞基因转录 的研究及DNA 质体 转染 实验 [3],从而分析 类固醇 生成 …
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COS-7 Cells - Cytion
COS-7 cells are a fibroblast-like cell line derived from African green monkey kidney tissue and are a vital resource in research, particularly for their high transfection efficiency, making them a popular choice for the expression of recombinant proteins…
COS-1 and COS-7 - Cos-7 Cell Line
COS-1 and COS-7 are immortalized cell lines derived from African green monkey kidney cells (Cercopithecus aethiops). These cell lines were created by introducing Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA into primary kidney cells, resulting in the expression of the SV40 large T-antigen.
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