Each COTP Zone and each Marine Inspection Zone described in this part also includes the contiguous zone adjacent to the area or zone for the purpose of enforcing or acting pursuant to a statute effective in the contiguous zone, as defined in § 2.28 of this subchapter.
Sector Map - United States Coast Guard
MMCStatus; Missions. Administrative Adjudications. CG Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) CG Hearing Office; Containers. Container Inspection Training and Assistance Team (CITAT)
US Coast Guard (USCG) Captain of the Port Zones - ArcGIS
US Coast Guard (USCG) Captain of the Port Zones: Topographic . Trust Center . Legal . Contact Esri . Report Abuse . Contact Us. Zoom to + Transparency + Set Visibility Range + Rename + Move up + Move down + Copy + Show in Legend + Hide in Legend + Remove + Filter Edits + Show All Edits + ...
Title 33 of the Code of Federal Regulations establishes the onshore and near shore geographical limits of the various COTP zones. These boundaries are established solely for Coast Guard organizational purposes, and define the areas of responsibility of the COTPs.
COTP Zone - LII / Legal Information Institute
COTP Zone Captain of the Port (COTP) Zone means a zone specified in 33 CFR part 3 and, for coastal ports, the seaward extension of that zone to the outer boundary of the exclusive economic zone (EEZ).
Captain of the Port Zone - Smithsonian Institution
COTPZs are typically the finest spatial scale used for analyses of broad patterns. A full list of COTPZs used with the NBIC data are presented below separated into the their coastal regions. Alaska: Caribbean: US East Coast: Great Lakes: US Gulf Coast: Guam: Hawaii: Inland Waterways: US West Coast:
US Coast Guard (USCG) Captain of the Port Zones
This data set is useful for depicting U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port Zones. The Captain of the Port Offices operate within defined geographical areas of the United States, its territories, and possessionsluding portions of the high seas adjacent thereto.
2017年7月19日 · The COTPs are the Federal Maritime Security Coordinators for their respective COTP zones described in 33 CFR part 3, including all ports and areas located therein. § 103.205 Authority of the COTP as the Federal Maritime Security Coordinator (FMSC).
33 CFR Part 3 - LII / Legal Information Institute
part 3—coast guard areas, districts, sectors, marine inspection zones, and captain of the port zones
Part 3 - Coast Guard Areas, Districts, Sectors, Marine Inspection Zones …
Part 3 - Coast Guard Areas, Districts, Sectors, Marine Inspection Zones, And Captain Of The Port Zones