What is CP38? | How to Pay CP38? | Income Tax CP38 | SQL Payroll
CP38 is an additional tax deduction issued by LHDN. CP38 requires the employer to make additional deductions in the form of monthly instalments from their employees’ salaries. This tax deduction is calculated based on the employees monthly taxable income.
What is CP38 in income tax Malaysia? How to make CP38 …
CP38 is an additional tax deduction issued by LHDN. Employers are required to make additional monthly deduction on their employees’ salaries in the form of instalments. The tax deduction is calculated based on the employee’s monthly taxable income.
Baki Cukai Kena Bayar | Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia
Arahan CP38 akan dikeluarkan oleh LHDNM yang mengkehendaki majikan membuat potongan tambahan secara ansuran bulanan (selain daripada potongan cukai bulanan atau PCB) bagi menyelesaikan tunggakan cukai pendapatan.
Balance of Tax Payment | Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia
This CP38 form regulation requires employers to make additional deductions in monthly installments from taxpayers ‘salaries (other than monthly tax deductions) against taxpayers’ income tax arrears.
2021年7月12日 · 本文详细介绍了如何配置Python环境,使用pip安装和管理第三方库,特别是重点讲解了下载和安装whl文件的步骤。 首先确保Python环境正常,能够运行和安装库。 然后通过pip安装wheel工具。 在选择和下载whl文件时,要注意版本和平台的匹配,避免出现‘平台不支持’的错误。 推荐使用国内源下载,通过pip的debug命令查看兼容版本。 最后,将whl文件移动到合 …
CP39 dan CP38: Apa yang Perlu Anda Tahu tentang PCB di ...
CP38 pula merujuk kepada potongan cukai tambahan yang dikeluarkan oleh LHDN, dan majikan perlu membuat potongan tambahan dalam bentuk ansuran bulanan daripada gaji pekerja mereka. Ia biasanya dikenakan untuk tujuan menyelesaikan cukai pendapatan yang belum dibayar pada tahun cukai sebelumnya.
This CP38 Instruction requires that the employer make additional deductions in monthly installments from the salary of the taxpayer (other than a Monthly Tax Deduction) towards settlement of taxpayer’s income tax arrears. CP38 Instructions will be effective from the July 2014 salary until December 2014.