What is CP38? | How to Pay CP38? | Income Tax CP38 | SQL Payroll
CP38 is an additional tax deduction issued by LHDN. CP38 requires the employer to make additional deductions in the form of monthly instalments from their employees’ salaries. This tax deduction is calculated based on the employees monthly taxable income.
What does version name 'cp27' or 'cp35' mean in Python?
These stand for the version of CPython (i.e. the Python official distribution you get from python.org) which the wheel files are built for. For example cp27 is meant to be used on a CPython version 2.7. Warning: cp32 is meant to be used in a CPython version 3.2.
What is CP38? - SQL Account
CP38 is an additional tax deduction issued by LHDN, what you need to do if receive a CP38 Form from income tax Malaysia? How to make payment for CP38?
CP39 dan CP38: Apa yang Perlu Anda Tahu tentang PCB di Malaysia
CP38 pula merujuk kepada potongan cukai tambahan yang dikeluarkan oleh LHDN, dan majikan perlu membuat potongan tambahan dalam bentuk ansuran bulanan daripada gaji pekerja mereka. Ia biasanya dikenakan untuk tujuan menyelesaikan cukai pendapatan yang belum dibayar pada tahun cukai sebelumnya.
Balance of Tax Payment - Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia
The procedure is by providing an appeal letter to collection unit of HASiL Office that handles his tax file before April 30 th or June 30 th of that relevant year. Be reminded that even the appeal for instalment was approved, late payment penalty will still be imposed Instalment through CP38 Instalment through CP500
What is CP38, difference between CP38 & CP39, where to upload …
CP38: Focuses on specific employees who are instructed by LHDN to pay additional taxes through salary deductions. Only applies to employees identified by LHDN. Payments align with the specific directive and are submitted along with the CP39 or separately.
CP38 Malaysia: Employer Guide to Additional Tax Deductions
2025年3月21日 · CP38 is an additional tax deduction order issued by LHDN Malaysia, requiring employers to deduct extra income tax from an employee’s salary beyond the standard PCB (Potongan Cukai Bulanan).
Employee Income Tax - L & Co Chartered Accountants
如果雇员收到通知 (CP38表格)并指示扣除其中一位雇员的薪金,雇员是否还要扣除该雇员的预扣所得税? 是的,给予雇主的通知是为了索取该雇员尚欠的所得税。
Python tags - specific version of interpreter or minimum version?
2021年3月22日 · The Python tag indicates the implementation and version required by a distribution. … The version is py_version_nodot. The example in the Use section suggests that generic Python py36 tags mean >= but CPython cp36 tags mean == - the list of compatible tags for installing on Python 3.3 includes py32 down to py30 but not cp32.
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2021年12月10日 · An employer who does not deduct MTD or deducts but fails to remit the MTD to IRBM can be prosecuted in a civil court. Where to report the CP39 (MTD) and CP38 in Form EA (yearly remuneration statement for private employees)? https://phl.hasil.gov.my/pdf/pdfam/R08_2020_TANGGUNGJAWAB_MAJIKAN.pdf