CPMI - overview - Bank for International Settlements
The Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) is an international standard setter that promotes, monitors and makes recommendations about the safety and efficiency of payment, clearing, settlement and related arrangements, thereby supporting financial stability and …
About the CPMI - Bank for International Settlements
The CPMI is a committee of central banks promoting the safety and efficiency of payment, clearing, settlement and related arrangements.
CPMI - Charter - Bank for International Settlements
2014年9月1日 · The Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) promotes the safety and efficiency of payment, clearing, settlement and related arrangements, thereby supporting financial stability and the wider economy 1. The CPMI monitors and analyses developments in these arrangements, both within and across jurisdictions.
支付与市场基础设施委员会(CPMI) - People's Bank of China
2015年4月2日 · 支付与市场基础设施委员会(CPMI)是由24个经济体的中央银行和金融管理局发起成立的国际性专业组织,旨在全球范围内强化支付、清算和结算安排的监管、政策和实践。 CPMI的前身是支付结算体系委员会(CPSS)。 1980年十国集团中央银行成立支付系统专家组,1990年正式设立CPSS。 CPSS一直致力于支付结算体系的发展与改革工作,推动建立稳健、高效的支付结算体系,以加强全球金融市场基础设施。 2014年9月1日,为使委员会的名称及其 …
Retail payments, currency and related indicators - overview | BIS …
2023年4月1日 · The BIS statistics on the supply and use of retail payments are part of the Red Book statistics of the 27 member jurisdictions of the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) and are published annually. The statistics contain two distinct sections.
BIS statistics | BIS Data Portal - Bank for International Settlements
BIS statistics, compiled in cooperation with central banks and other national authorities, are designed to inform analysis of monetary and financial stability and global liquidity. Explore the BIS statistics by selecting a domain from the options below to discover all related topics.
Financial market infrastructures and critical service providers
2023年4月1日 · The BIS statistics on financial market infrastructures and their critical services are part of the Red Book statistics of the 27 member jurisdictions of the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) and are published annually.
CPMI publications - Bank for International Settlements
Most reports published by the CPMI are analytical and explore various issues related to payment, clearing and settlement systems or, more specifically, to large-value payment systems, retail payment instruments and systems, settlement mechanisms for foreign exchange transactions, securities clearing and settlement systems, and clearing and ...
2023年7月10日,国际清算银行(BIS)发表了工作论文“ Making headway : Results of the 2022 BIS survey on central bank digital currencies and crypto ”,该文详细介绍了BIS第六次CBDC调查的成果。结果显示,在2022年期间,参与各种类型的中央银行数字货币(CBDC)工作的中央银行 …
BIS CPMI采取新措施促进跨境支付采用ISO 20022 - 币界网
2025年1月7日 · 国际清算银行(BIS)支付和市场基础设施委员会(CPMI)宣布了新的措施,以支持采用其协调的ISO 20022跨境支付数据要求。 这些步骤旨在澄清在全球向ISO 20022消息传递标准过渡期间这些要求的中期治理和维护。 CPMI的行动还鼓励行业主导制定跨境快速支付指南。 首先,CPMI将保持协调的数据要求,至少到2027年底,与G20跨境支付计划保持一致。 这些要求最初是在2023年10月提交给G20的一份报告中概述的。 为了促进全球采用,CPMI将与ISO …