ST Kinetics CPW - Wikipedia
The CPW is a modular selective fire lever-delayed blowback operated weapon (using what STK calls a cam recoil mitigation mechanism), which contributes to the low felt recoil and allows for …
新科動力CPW衝鋒槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
新科動力CPW (英語: Compact Personal Weapon,意為:緊湊型個人武器)是一款由 新加坡 國防企業新科動力(全稱: 新加坡科技動力;英語: Singapore Technologies Kinetics,簡 …
新科动力CPW冲锋枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
新科动力CPW(英语: Compact Personal Weapon ,意为:紧凑型个人武器)是一款由新加坡国防企业新科动力(全称:新加坡科技动力;英语: Singapore Technologies Kinetics ,简 …
STK CPW 冲锋枪 - 枪炮世界
CPW是Compact Personal Weapon(紧凑型单兵武器)的缩写,这个名字的含义和PDW、IDW一样,都是用新概念包装起来的小型冲锋枪。CPW是STK分部ST Engineering Land Systems的 …
冲锋枪科普:新科动力CPW - 哔哩哔哩
2023年6月10日 · cpw是一款模块化击发调变式杠杆延迟自由枪机操作武器(被新科动力以“凸轮反冲减缓机构”之名使用),这有助于降低可感受到的后座力,并且让其可以使用高膛压弹药。
Compact Personal Weapon (CPW) - ST Engineering
CPW is a cost-effective and compact sub-machine gun made of strong yet light engineering plastic and aluminum alloy. Its unique cam recoil mitigation mechanism reduces recoil …
ST Kinetics (CIS) CPW (Compact Personal Weapon) Submachine Gun …
2017年8月17日 · In 2008, it debuted a new machine pistol/submachine gun product of modular design and supporting the ubiquitous 9x19mm Parabellum cartridge - the CPW ("Compact …
ST Kinetics CPW | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The ST Kinetics Compact Personal Weapon (STK CPW for short) is a Singaporean personal defense weapon manufactured by the company ST Kinetics. It can take a variety of cartridges, …
小国装备志——新加坡CPW冲锋枪 - 百家号
2023年8月7日 · cpw冲锋枪有全自动和半自动两种射击模式可选。 它通过低后坐力、杠杆延迟的反冲作用,以每分钟1000发子弹的速度从30发可拆卸的塑料盒式弹匣中发射。
ST Kinetics CPW | Military Wiki | Fandom
The CPW (Compact Personal Weapon) is a multi-caliber submachine gun developed by ST Kinetics of Singapore as a PDW-class firearm. The prototype is chambered in 9x19mm …