CQ WW - WAZ Zone Definitions
The boundaries of CQ zones 12, 13, 29, 30, 32, 38 and 39 converge at the South Pole. Stations KC4AAA and KC4USN are at the South Pole, and will count for any one of the listed zones. Source: CQ WAZ Award Rules from http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/cq_awards/cq_waz_awards/cq_waz_list.html
CQ DX Zones World Map
2017年10月26日 · Icom is the publisher of the free to download, double-sided world map showing the CQ DX Zones and the ITU Zones. Each map uses an Albers Equal Area projection and feature a color-coded ITU regions and a complete list of country codes that include ham radio prefix call, country name and latitude and longitude.
CQ WW - Useful Resources
Written Definitions of CQ Zones. CQ Zone map [ Small ] (40kb) or [ Large ] (120kb) The CQ WW is about fun, learning and competition. Contesters love to go on DXpeditions to the far reaches of the planet. These DXpeditions make the contest more interesting and challenging for all of us.
2019年9月16日 · 1:国际电信联盟的ITU分区将世界分为75区,中国属于其中的第33、42、43、44、45(钓鱼岛)、50区(黄岩岛)。 2:美国CQ杂志CQ分区将世界分为40区,中国属23、24、25(钓鱼岛)、26、27区(黄岩岛)。 中国业余电台分区: 上一篇 没有了! 什么是业余无线电台呼号? 下一篇. Copyright © 2022 All Rights Reserved. 蜀ICP备12017908号 XML地图. 为便于管理,国际上和每个国家都根据地理位置,将世界和本国国土划分为若干分区国际分 …
This CQ DX zones map and the ITU zones map on the reverse side use an Albers Equal Area projection and is current as of July 2010. The boundaries of CQ zones 12, 13, 29, 30, 32, 38 and 39 converge
CQ World Wide DX Contest - Home
The CQ WW is the largest Amateur Radio competition in the world. Over 35,000 participants take to the airwaves on the last weekend of October (SSB) and November (CW) with the goal of making as many contacts with as many different DXCC entities and CQ Zones as possible.
什么是CQ分区以及CQ分区查询 - 电波浪 - 业余无线电的贴心工具 …
准确的CQ分区划分,应参照美国CQ杂志社“WAZ奖状规则(Worked All Zones Award Rules)”第八章的WAZ分区表。 我国属于CQ Zone 23的地方有:我国内蒙古自治区(BY3G-L)、呼号分区9区(除陕西省BY9A-F)、呼号分区0。
CQ Map - IW5EDI Simone - Ham-Radio
I’ve restored the Original CQ MAP of the world representing the world divided into the 40 Zones according to the CQ WAZ Award.Read the CQ Worked All the Zones Award Rules. Related Posts via Taxonomies. My very first QRP on the Air; FT5ZM log; Award – UCI Road World Championship – Tuscany 2013; A5A Buthan; 6O0CW Log Online – live
CQ Zone Table - qsl.net
The ITU has established 90 world telecommunication zones. ITU Zone Map. The world is also divided into 40 amateur radio zones that have been created by CQ Magazine. The CQ Worked All Zones Award (WAZ) is offered by the magazine's publishers to any amateur for proven two way communication with amateurs in each of the 40 CQ Zones.
CQ Zones - WW Locators - DX Countries World Map (USA, …
At stake is marked all the basic prefixes and names of countries, capitals, areas of CQ (WAZ), most countries have an internal division into districts. Marked on the map grid is large WW-locator in the world.