What are CQ/ITU zones used for? - Amateur Radio Stack Exchange
There are already questions about the definition of CQ zones and ITU zones, but there is no information about what these zones are used for (and Google brings up various maps but no explanation). ...
CQ Zones wrong for many call signs - QRZ Forums
2023年10月29日 · I have noticed a discrepancy in the database between the CQ Zones that appear when you look at a call signs details. Example: IW2HAJ's listing shows...
Where can I find the official definition of ITU Zones?
I've been looking around for a spot that has the official definition of what the various ITU Zones are, but can't find one. What is the official definition? I'm hoping for more than just a map, unless said map is VERY detailed and can be downloaded as a KML or similar map. Something like the CQ Zone definition would be adequate.
CQ Zones wrong for many call signs | Page 2 | QRZ Forums
2023年10月29日 · CQ Zones wrong for many call signs Discussion in ' QRZ XML Logbook Data ' started by K2CD, Oct 29, 2023.
CQ announces 75th anniversary Worked All Zones award
2009年9月19日 · CQ announces 75th anniversary Worked All Zones award The November, 1934, issue of R/9 magazine announced a new operating award for radio amateurs, designed to encourage the growing popularity of contacting stations across …
ARRL's Logbook of the World to Add Support for CQ WAZ Award
2017年12月14日 · N1RSN Ham Member QRZ Page Newington, CT and Hicksville, NY – December 14, 2017 -- Participants in CQ magazine's Worked All Zones (WAZ) award program will soon be able to use the Logbook of the World (LoTW) system of ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio, to apply for the WAZ award and its endorsements, both ARRL and CQ announced today.
ITU and CQ zone - QRZ Forums
2022年12月21日 · I was about to post something related about reading XML, which I've been doing for many years. Here is the oddity. If a user has entered both CQ and ITU zones, the XML data contains them both, e.g. for NA6O, <cqzone>3</cqzone> <ituzone>6</ituzone> But if they have entered only their CQ zone, then neither are returned. Example would be W4RM. This is 100% consistent with all such call signs ...
Is there a KML or similar file that shows all of the CQ Zones?
2013年10月22日 · There is not any such listing, as the definitions for CQ zones are a bit ambiguous. The official definitions can be found at the CQ Magazine WAZ award definition. Areas like the ocean aren't covered, otherwise it's a fairly simple geography lookup to …
Where to find definition of ITU ZOnes / CIRAF zones
2024年2月10日 · Writing Android logbook. Still in search for ITU zones map. Best option would be GeoJSON with list of Polygons (one per zone) Second best any list of zone border points for each zone. Any help
CQmaps Azimuthal Map for Green Heron Engineering GH Everyware
2015年7月7日 · Green Heron Engineering and CQ maps - Professional Maps for Amateur Radio have partnered to provide a personalized Azimuthal Projection (Great Circle) map for your Green Heron Everywhere (GH Everyware) rotor control software.