Creality Cr-5 Pro H | Free Expedited Shipping | Now Only $999
赞助Save on Creality Cr-5 Pro H. Creality CR-5 Pro High-Temp Version FDM 3D Printer
CR-5 Pro (High-temp Version) 3D Printer - Creality
CR-5 Pro (High-temp Version) is a fully enclosed 3d printer, more stable. The maximum nozzle temperature is increased from 260°C to 300°C, with a high power fan, excellent heat dissipation, and smooth extruding.
CR-5 Pro (High-temp Version) 3D Printer - Creality
CR-5 Pro (versión de alta temperatura) es una impresora 3D completamente cerrada, más estable. La temperatura máxima de la boquilla aumenta de 260 °C a 300 °C, ventilador de alta potencia, buena disipación de calor y extrusión suave.
CR-5 Pro (Hochtemperatur-Version) 3D-Drucker - Creality
CR-5 Pro (High-Temp-Version) ist ein vollständig geschlossener 3D-Drucker, der stabiler ist. Die maximale Düsentemperatur wird von 260°C auf 300°C erhöht, mit einem Hochleistungslüfter, ausgezeichneter Wärmeableitung und reibungslosem Extrudieren.
Creality CR-5 Pro H: Everything You Need to Know - PrintaGuide
Discover the Creality CR-5 Pro H: A robust 3D printer, featuring high-temperature printing, a large 25.65L build volume, and precision for demanding projects.
CR-5 Pro - 创想三维(CREALITY)
CR-5 Pro,一台漂亮的3D打印机,全新象牙白外观,典雅高端大气,三面透明蓝门页,可实时观看模型打印及打印进程。 创想三维(Creality)是全球3D打印机领导品牌,国家高新技术企业,国家级专精特新“小巨人“,专注于3D打印机的研发和生产,产品覆盖“ 熔融沉积成型 和光固化”。 创想三维(Creality)是全球3D打印机领导品牌,国家高新技术企业,国家级专精特新“小巨人“,专注于3D打印机的研发和生产,产品覆盖“FDM和光固化”。
Creality CR-5 Pro H 3D Printer: In-Depth Review | Top 3D Shop
2023年1月17日 · The CR-5 Pro H version is equipped with a high-temperature extruder capable of reaching 300 °C and processing more rigid materials to embark on industrial-level projects. 2 mm thick steel used for the white-painted body provides enough weight and stability to cancel vibrations, wobbling and stepper motor resonance that can lead to distorted ...
Creality CR-5 Pro H by TOP 3D SHOP Assembled FDM 3D Printer …
2022年4月12日 · The Creality CR-5 Pro H is a semi-industrial FDM 3D printer. Layer thickness of up to 100 microns with an accuracy of 12 microns across the X and Y axes result in high-quality detailed prints with smooth surfaces.
Creality CR-5 Pro Review: Professional 3D Printer or Not?
2020年12月4日 · With the CR-5 Pro, Creality enters the professional 3D Printer market with a well-built machine that resembles the Ultimaker S5. When Top3DShop asked me if I Menu
【CR-5 Pro-H】开箱视频、堵头清理、调试相关、配件更换、固件 …
【CR-5 Pro-H】开箱视频、堵头清理、调试相关、配件更换、固件升级、动画演示等售后视频教程
Creality3D CR-5 Pro H 3D Printer - MatterHackers
Top Features of the CR-5 Pro H 3D Printer Include: • 300mm x 225mm x 380mm Build Volume (11.8" x 8.9" x 15") • High Temp Nozzle Achieves 300° C—print Nylon and Polycarbonate in your Creality! • Fully Enclosed for Excellent Printing • ATMEGA2560-Equipped Mainboard for Smooth, Silent Printing and Control • Automatic Bed Leveling with ...
Creality Cr-5 Pro H | Free Expedited Shipping | Now Only $999
赞助Save on Creality Cr-5 Pro H. Creality CR-5 Pro High-Temp Version FDM 3D Printer