Impresion de pausa CR6 SE - CR Series - Creality Community Forum
2024年7月14日 · Hola gente tengo una CR6 SE (la segunda) y a las 2 o 3 horas de impresión la maquina se pone en pausa. La cama se mantiene caliente, el extrusor se enfría. Formatee sd, cambie a otra sd y el problema sigue. La maquina en nueva, ya me la cambio la garantía por la misma falla. Alguien tiene idea si es una falla de este modelo? Gracias
Feeding issues CR-6 SE - CR Series - Creality Community Forum
2024年3月9日 · CR-6 SE Aftermarket extruder Inland PLA+. 20240309_052738 1816×4032 785 KB. Home ; Categories ; Guidelines ;
Creality CR-6 Max Homing Error - CR Series - CR Series - Creality ...
2024年5月30日 · When starting a print job, the following happens: The head moves to the center of the bed (at the end height of the last job), lowers until the nozzle touches the bed, and then returns to the starting height.
Firmware update failed - CR6 SE - Creality CR-6&30 Series
2025年2月20日 · I just tried to update my firmware to latest 2022 version, The small screen did not show any progress, so I turned off the power, ejected the SD card then tried to turn on the printer. Nothing is happening. I don’t have the menu anymore. The screen is just stuck at this 👇 What should I do now? [UPDATE] I believe I just bricked my brand new CR 6-SE. The small screen does not want to power up.
CR-6 SE Problems with X-axis printing start centering
2024年2月17日 · Buenos dias. Tengo una impresora Creality modelo CR-6 SE comprada hace 2 años y medio. Ha funcionado perfectamente con los problemas habituales de mantenimiento de boquillas, temperatura de extrusión cuando cambias el filamento, etc. En general nada que no pudiera solucionar probando. El firmware de la impresora no se ha tocado para nada ni modificado parámetros de cura ni nada. Pero ahora ...
Imposible de conectar cr-6 a la pc / Impossible to connect cr-6 to pc
2024年3月24日 · estoy intentanto conectar mi cr6 se a la pc pero no la detecta, probe con 2 computadoras y lo mismo, instale unos drivers (CH341SER) y no pasa nada, hay forma de conectarla o es imposible? necesito hacer una calibracion de pid I’m trying to connect my cr6 se to the PC but it doesn’t detect it, I tried with 2 computers and the same thing, I installed some drivers (CH341SER) and nothing ...
Z-stop and bed probe are not talking to each other
2024年6月22日 · Loving my old CR6-SE, as it is easy to tinker with and learn from. Usually. I’m working on my son’s unit now (also CR6-SE, with the ERA board). His unit gets a probing failure during autoleveling, but I don’t want to jump to conclusions about which part needs replacing. (Most have already been replaced anyway.) Here is what happens when attempting to home or autolevel: On the rare ...
Latest Creality CR-6&30 Series topics - Creality Community Forum
2023年12月6日 · Creality CR6 SE petg. 6: 632: December 11, 2024 Speed upgrades for CR-6 MAX. cr-6-max. 1: 117: November 22 ...
My Creality CR 6 SE does not allow you to make color changes in …
2023年12月18日 · As far as I am aware the only way to change filaments during a print on the CR 6 SE is by pausing the print and changing filaments and then resuming the print. Nikoli, thank you for your prompt response. It happens that the Creality CR 6 SE has problems when you want to change the filament in the extruder to print several colors.
CR10SE slicer configuration - CR Series - CR Series - Creality ...
2024年4月18日 · Creality Launches CR-10 SE, Empowering Advanced Users. The CR-10 SE is engineered to produce a smooth, even, and finely detailed first layer, setting the stage for high-quality 3D models. Shenzhen, China, August 29, 2023 - Creality, a leading name in the world of 3D printing, is proud to unveil the CR-10...