016959 - Foxp3[YFP-cre] Strain Details - The Jackson Laboratory
016959 B6.129(Cg)- Foxp3 tm4(YFP/icre)Ayr /J Foxp3 YFP/cre mutant mice express a knocked-in yellow fluorescent protein/iCre-recombinase fusion protein from the Foxp3 locus without disrupting expression of the endogenous Foxp3 gene.
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Foxp3YFP-Cre突变小鼠在不破坏内源性Foxp3基因表达的情况下,从Foxp3位 点表达敲入的YFP-cre重组酶融合蛋白。 这些小鼠可能有助于研究调节性T
南模生物为该研究构建了Lin28-YFP,Vasa-dTomato和Stra8-GFP Cre 3种小鼠。 这项工作开创性地将精子发生同步化方法与生殖细胞特异性荧光标记相结合,分离获取了高纯度的处于不同发育阶段的小鼠生精细胞,并应用高精度单细胞转录组测序的方法,建立了小鼠精子发生 ...
广泛使用的Foxp3-YFP-Cre小鼠的异位种系重组活性:病例报告 …
2019年12月3日 · 为了产生缺乏胰岛素受体(Insr)表达的Treg细胞,我们将Foxp3YFP-Cre小鼠与Insrfl / fl小鼠杂交。 使用常规的两波段PCR基因分型方法,我们发现后代的基因型不符合预期的孟德尔比率。
017353 - YetCre-13 Strain Details - The Jackson Laboratory
017353 C.129S4(B6)- Il13 tm1(YFP/cre)Lky /J Expression of the YFP-Cre fusion gene in these mice is observed in Il13 -expressing cells, including innate type 2 helper cells. These YetCre-13 mice may be useful for fluorescent reporter and/or Cre-lox studies of IL-13-expressing cells in type 2 immunity/host response to allergens and parasitic ...
基因的时间开关——CreERT系统 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Cre是一种识别特异位点的基因重组酶,Cre酶的基因序列来源于P1噬菌体的环化重组酶(c yclization re combinase), Cre 的名字也源于此。 Cre酶可识别一段名为Loxp的特定基因序列。 Loxp序列长34个碱基,包括中间8碱基的不对称序列,以及两侧反向回文的13碱基序列。 中间的8碱基决定了Loxp序列的方向,而Loxp序列的方向决定了Cre酶的剪切方式。 通常,Loxp序列会成对出现。 如果两个Loxp的方向相同,那么,当Cre酶结合两个Loxp位点后,会删除两个Loxp …
Transcription factor Foxp1 regulates Foxp3 chromatin binding and ...
2019年1月14日 · Our studies suggest that Foxp1 serves an essential non-redundant function in T reg cells by enforcing Foxp3-mediated regulation of gene expression and enabling efficient IL-2 signaling in these...
Ectopic germline recombination activity of the widely used Foxp3‐YFP …
Foxp3‐YFP‐cre mice are commonly used to generate regulatory T (Treg) cell‐specific knockout mice but when crossed with insulin receptor floxed mice, we found that some offspring had recombination outside the Treg lineage.
Genetic Tools for Analyzing Foxp3 - Springer
2022年10月1日 · In this chapter, we describe how the dual Foxp3 RFP/GFP reporter can be exploited to discriminate both developmental sublineages based on tTreg cell lineage–specific GFP/Cre recombinase activity, in conjunction with Foxp3-driven RFP expression in all Foxp3 + Treg cells, and provide guidelines for experimental design and implementation.
Ectopic germline recombination activity of the widely used Foxp3-YFP ...
Our data highlight the need to use genotyping methods that allow for assessment of possible ectopic recombination driven by the Foxp3 YFP-Cre allele, particularly when studying genes that are systemically expressed.
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