CRO Series VCO Products:400 MHz – 8 GHz - Z-Comm
The CRO or ceramic resonator family of oscillators are renowned for offering superior phase noise performance. They are available in ranges anywhere from 400 MHz to 8 GHz while providing very low tuning sensitivities for performance optimization.
Z-Communications, Inc. | The Most Trusted Brand of VCOs & PLLs
VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator and PLL Phase Locked Loop modules for RF and wireless applications including test and measurement equipment, telecommunications, satellite, broadband transmission systems, base stations, radar, avionics and more.
4.55 GHz CRO VCO with Exceptional Phase Noise in MINI Package
This new ceramic resonator VCO features incredible phase noise of -110 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset and is available in Z-COMM’s standard MINI-16-SM package measuring 0.5 in. x 0.5 in. x 0.22 in. The CRO4550X2-LF is well suited for satellite communication systems …
CRO - Ceramic Resonator Oscillator — Shop - Z-Comm
CRO2665H-LF | VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) | Frequency 2620 MHz - 2710 MHz | P/N -107 dBc/Hz@10KHz | 0.5" Package
设计具有高电压 VCO 的高性能锁相环 | Analog Devices
同轴谐振器振荡器 (cro) 是另一种特殊类型的 vco,使用非常低的增益和较宽的输入调谐电压来实现超低的相位噪声性能。 它们通常用于窄带 专用移动无线通信 和 陆上移动无线通信 应用领域。
电压控制振荡器 (VCO) 的基础知识及其选型和使用-CSDN博客
2021年2月20日 · lc压控振荡器(vco)是无线通信及射频识别(rfid)系统中不可或缺的组成部分。本文首先概述了lc vco的基础理论,包括振荡条件、振荡频率、以及谐振特性等。其次,深入分析了vco的核心参数,例如频率调制范围、相位...
2012年2月23日 · 同轴谐振器振荡器(cro)是另一种特殊类型vco,利用极低增益和宽输入调谐电压来实现超低相位噪声,通常用于窄带专用移动无线电和陆地移动无线电应用。
CRO6835X3-LF - Z-COMM | Voltage Controlled Oscillator
The CRO6835X3-LF from Z-Communications is a Voltage-Controlled Oscillator that operates from 6810 to 6860 MHz. It delivers an output power of up to 4 dBm with a phase noise of -105 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset. This oscillator has a DC tuning voltage from 0.5 to 8 V and has a tuning sensitivity of 15 MHz/V.
CRO0419A-LF - Z-COMM | Voltage Controlled Oscillator
The CRO0419A-LF is a RoHS compliant VCO for P25 mobile radios and basestation equipment. It operates at 390 to 440 MHz with a tuning voltage range of 0.5 to 5 Vdc. This VCO features phase noise of -117 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset and a typical tuning sensitivity of 17 MHz/V.
RQRA CRO VCO SERIES Page 2 of 4 RQRA-1500-LPH RUBYQUARTZ, LLC 18205 Biscayne Blvd Suite 2217 Aventura, Florida 33160 U.S.A. Tel: 305-406-0211 Toll Free: 1-855 ...