A1008 Cold Rolled Steel Sheet - Alro
A1008 (AISI 1008) cold rolled (CR) steel sheet exhibits improved formability over hot rolled sheet. ASTM A1008 CR is produced by annealing and temper rolling hot rolled steel sheets. This process provides formability, improved surface texture and flatness.
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A1008/A1008M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.
冷轧钢板的标准、牌号与性能 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
1) 美国冷轧钢板及钢带标准astm a1008/ a1008m:2007。 2) 美国汽车工程师协会标准 SAE J2745 :2007《汽车用先进高强度钢板及钢带产品的分类和性能》。 3) 美国汽车工程师协会标准SAE J2340:1999《高强度和超高强度汽车钢板》。
CS Type B - ASTM A1008/A1008M-2021(a) - 材数库
注1:商用钢(Commerical Steel)CS Type A 和 CS Type B结合化学牌号,符合标准ASTM A568/A568M表X2.3。 (示例 CS Type A 1005,CS Type B 1008) 注2:没有规定类型的商用钢(Commerical Steel)CS化学牌号,符合标准ASTM A568/A568M表X2.1。 (示例 CS -1005,CS -1008等) ①适用于各种钢板厚度。 随着板材厚度的减小,屈服强度增大,伸长率有减小,部分成形性值减小。 ②表中力学性能值是非强制性的。 提供这些数据是为了帮助买方指定适用于特 …
carbon-steel A1008 Product Guide from Online Metals
A common low-carbon steel with excellent weldability and formability. 1008 steel can be easily welded without special precautions. However, 1008 needs to be painted or otherwise maintained to avoid quick oxidization and rusting. It is typically used in home appliances, furniture, and automotive applications. UNS G10080, AISI 1008.
A1008/A1008M Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet, Cold …
2023年11月20日 · This specification covers cold-rolled, carbon steel sheets, in coils and cut lengths, in the following designations: commercial steels (CS Types A, B, and C); drawing steel (DS Types A and B); deep drawing steel (DDS); extra deep drawing steel (EDDS); structural steel (SS Grades 25 [170], 30 [205], 33 [230] Types 1 and 2, 40 [275] Types 1 and 2,...
ASTM A1008 | Cold Rolled A1008 - Kloeckner Metals Corporation
ASTM A1008 is structural, high strength low-alloy steel that has great formability and weldability. It is a standard specification of steel that is used in a variety of applications and industries. It is one of the most commonly used steel in the construction industry for bridges, buildings, guardrails, handrails, and more.
本标准以固定编号a1008/a1008m 发布;编号后的数字表示最初采用的年份,或在修订的情况下,表示最 后修订的年份。 括号中的数字表示最后重新批准的年份。
COLD ROLLED 1008/1010 STEEL - Mead Metals, Inc.
Mead Metals Inc. carries cold rolled steel per ASTM A1008 and AISI 1008/1010 grades. We offer ranges of sizes and quantities to fit your project’s needs. We accommodate both high- and low-volume cold rolled steel orders.
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 1008/A 1008M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
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