Common Reporting Standard (CRS) readiness | Deloitte US
The scope of CRS is broader than FATCA as it aims to identify tax residents in any of the 100+ jurisdictions participating in CRS. Key takeaways of differences in FATCA and CRS …
US Tax Forms are not acceptable to capture all CRS data (e.g. multiple tax residences, CRS legal entity classification); CRS self-certifications must be developed: Self-cert will be needed to …
中国版CRS来了!高净值个人应该注意什么 | 德勤中国 | 税务服务
尽管中国版CRS 已经发布,但是个人也无需因《非居民金融账户涉税信息尽职调查管理办法》(以下简称《管理办法》)的出台而盲目恐慌。不过,充分了解《管理办法》的适用范围,梳理自 …
Our CRS approach leverages Deloitte’s global tax reporting knowledge and experience and footprint to quickly and effectively identify impacted lines of business within the organization, …
US tax forms are not acceptable to capture all CRS data. CRS self-certifications must be developed Self-cert will be needed to capture CRS specific data such as multiple tax …
information on the accounts held directly or indirectly by their customers who are tax residents of the CRS participating countries to the Thai Revenue Department for further exchange with the …
Countries to implement CRS (113*) cont. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES HAVING NOT YET SET THE DATE FOR FIRST AUTOMATIC EXCHANGE (45) Armenia, Benin, Bosnia and …
美国海外账户纳税法案(“FATCA”)与CRS的对比 FATCA vs. CRS FATCA CRS CRS要点 主管当局 •美国 •101个单独的税收管辖地 • 需要密切关注本地合规要求。 • 由已签署协议的税务管辖 …
FATCA/CRS Tax Partner, Luxembourg Deloitte LLP +352 45145 2162 Claire Dawson FATCA Tax Leader, Middle East Deloitte LLP +971 4 5064900 Owen Gibbs FATCA/CRS Tax Director, …
Deloitte Tax LLP +1 415 783 5211 Sagun Vijayananda Partner, Global Information Reporting Deloitte Tax LLP +1 212 436 7329 Asia-Pacific Troy Andrews FATCA/CRS Partner, New …