FANUC CRX-20iA/L Cobot | FANUC CRX Cobots - CRX …
The FANUC CRX-20iA/L cobot offers a 20kg payload and extended reach, perfect for demanding tasks. Reliable, flexible, and easy to program.
CRX-20iA/L Collaborative Robot - FANUC America
As one of the latest additions to the CRX family of Collaborative Robots, the CRX-20iA/L has a 20 kg payload and 1,418mm reach, and its unique under-flip motion renders it a perfect solution for those applications that require a higher payload in a small footprint. The CRX Series of Cobots are 8 Years Zero Maintenance with the proven industrial ...
CRX-20 i A/L Food-Grade Collaborative Robot - fanucamerica
FANUC’s CRX-20iA/L food-grade collaborative robot is designed for the food and beverage industries. Equipped with NSF-H1 food-grade grease, white epoxy paint and rust/chemical resistant plating, the CRX-20 i A/L food-grade cobot is an ideal solution for food handling, wet environments, or strict hygiene requirements.
CRX-20iA/L- Can easily be programmed - FANUC
The CRX-20𝑖A/L Collaborative Robot, with a 20 kg payload, 1,418 mm reach and impressive underflip motion, is the perfect solution for medium- and small-sized businesses as well as automation beginners and large corporations.
crx-10ia 作为一款小型协作机器人,CRX-10iA最大负载为10kg,可达半径1249mm,其长臂型机型CRX-10iA/L,动作可达半径达1418mm。 CRX针对小型部件的搬运、装配等应用需求为用户提供精准、灵活、安全的人机协作解决方案。
CRX-20iA/L - FANUC CRX Collaborative Robots
As one of the latest additions to the CRX family of Collaborative Robots, the CRX-20 i A/L has a 20 kg payload and 1,418mm reach, and its unique under-flip motion renders it a perfect solution for those applications that require a higher payload in a small footprint.
FANUC 发那科 6轴工业协作机器人 CRX-20iA/L - 苏州前迅机电科 …
FANUC 发那科 Robot CRX-20iA/L机型负载为20kg,臂展1418mm,其具有的高负载、大臂展的产品特点可应用于码垛,搬运等作业领域。 核心参数: 负载:20Kg; 控制轴数:6轴; 可达半径:1418mm; 重复定位精度:±0.04mm; 安装方式:顶吊安装、地面安装、倾斜角安装; 应用实例:
新協働ロボットCRXシリーズのご紹介 - FANUC
新協働ロボットCRXシリーズ 3つの特長 . プラグイン対応周辺機器 . オンライントレーニング (e-Learning) (トレーニングページへ移動する際に、会員サイトへのログインが必要になります。) 新たに力制御 押付機能、位置合わせ機能の動画を追加しました New!
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CRX-20iA/L 190 R-30iB Plus 410 x 277 x 370 -200-230 0.4 2/2 *3-<70 0-45 ≤75 *4 ≤95 *5 ≤4.9 (0.5G) IP67 IP67 6 ± 0.04* 41 360 360 540 380 450 80 120 11290 1000 70.0/4.00 64.0/4.00 30.0/2.00 Controlled axes Repeatability (mm) Mechanical weight (kg) Motion range (°) Maximum speed (°/s) *2 Maximum linear speed (mm/s) J4 Moment/Inertia (Nm ...
Fanuc CRX-20ia/L Robot - robots.com
Introducing the CRX-20 iA/L, the newest member of the CRX family of Collaborative Robots. With a payload capacity of 20 kg and a reach of 1 , 418 mm, its distinctive under-flip motion makes it an ideal choice for applications demanding a higher payload within a compact space.