The cervical vertebral maturation method: A user's guide
2018年1月16日 · Four examples of the second CVM stage (CS 2). A notch is present along the inferior border of the odontoid process (C2). The vertebral bodies of C3 and C4 are in the shape of a wedge or trapezoid.
The cervical vertebral maturation method: A user's guide - PMC
Four examples of the second CVM stage (CS 2). A notch is present along the inferior border of the odontoid process (C2). The vertebral bodies of C3 and C4 are in the shape of a wedge or trapezoid. Cervical Stage 3. CS 3 is characterized by visible notching of the inferior borders of C2 and C3; the inferior border of C4 remains flat . Most of ...
2018年1月16日 · Typically, cervical stages (CSs) 1 and CS 2 are considered prepubertal, CS 3 and CS 4 circumpubertal, and CS 5 and CS 6 postpubertal. Criticism has been rendered as to the reproducibility of the CVM method. Diminished reliability may be observed at least in part due to the lack of a definitive description of the staging procedure in the literature.
The cervical vertebral maturation method: A user's guide
The cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) method is used to determine the craniofacial skeletal maturational stage of an individual at a specific time point during the growth process. This diagnostic approach uses data derived from the second (C2), third (C3), and fourth (C4) cervical vertebrae, as vi …
颈椎成熟法评估下颌骨骨龄的研究进展 - KQ88
2023年5月8日 · CVM法即是根据颈椎在不同生长发育阶段形状、大小有规律性的改变来预测下颌骨生长发育时期的方法。 不同颈椎分期能与下颌骨发育高峰起始期、高峰期及高峰末期相对应,临床医生也能以此为依据判断不同的发育阶段,据此采取不同的矫治方案。 此外,颈椎在头颅侧位片中的形态清晰可见,患者不需接受额外的辐射。 但该方法主要依靠医生对颈椎形态的主观判断,判断结果有随机性及可重复性低等不足。 本文将目前CVM法的支持依据、不足及改进方法进行综 …
Cervical vertebrae maturational stages (CVM method). A) CS1 …
CVM was evaluated on the lateral cephalograms as well as ANB and GoGn-SN angles. Spearman correlation test was used to assess the relationship between SOS and CVM.
Diagrammatic representation of CVM stages. CS1 and CS2
CS1 and CS2 are prepubertal stages. CS3 and CS4 comprise the pubertal growth spurt. CS5 and CS6 are postpubertal stages. Stage assessment is based on visual analysis of cervical vertebrae on...
Further, annualized increments in Co-Gn for CS 1 and CS 2 were significantly greater when compared to CS 5. Conclusions: Cervical stage, chronological age, and gender can be used jointly to predict the annualized increment in mandibular growth. Cervical stage 3 exhibited the greatest annualized increase in mandibular length.
The cervical vertebral maturation method: A user's guide.,The …
2018年1月16日 · The cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) method is used to determine the craniofacial skeletal maturational stage of an individual at a specific time point during the growth process. This diagnostic approach uses data derived from the second (C2), third (C3), and fourth (C4) cervical vertebrae, as visualized in a two-dimensional lateral cephalogram.
颈椎成熟(cvm)法是根据颈椎在不同生长发育阶段形状、大小有规律性的改变来预测下颌骨生长发育时期的方法。 在正畸常规检查的头颅侧位片中,颈椎形态清晰可见,采用CVM法评估骨龄方便实用,相较于手腕骨法不需患者接受额外的辐射,临床应用广泛。