ArtStation - CS-63
Tier 10 medium Polish tank. This's my first tank 3d-model for World of Tanks. I did all stages from modeling to texturing and post processing. CS-63 - a medium tank intended as a replacement for the T-34-85. Developed in Poland, it combined available designs of the Soviet tank-building school with original ideas.
World of Tanks - tanks.gg
tanks.gg is a player created website for World of Tanks.We are not an official Wargaming or World of Tanks website. World of Tanks is a trademark of Wargaming.net ...
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CS-63 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The CS-63 is a Polish tier 10 medium tank. A medium tank intended as a replacement for the T-34-85. Developed in Poland, it combined available designs of the Soviet tank-building school with original ideas. However, in 1968, T-55 production was launched in the country and the project was discontinued. No prototypes were built.
CS-63 - 3D Model, Ratings, Equipment, Crews, Field modifications ...
X CS-63. Sniper Medium Tank. This is a proposed field modification from skill4ltu for CS-63. Skill4ltu's note: Level VIII: Both options can work.
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CS-63 - Equipment, Mastery & MoE requirements, WN8 target …
2025年3月16日 · CS-63 equipment builds for World of Tanks. Equipment setups based on Skill4ltu and Yzne configurations.
CS-63 — Tier X European medium tank - Blitz Hangar
Low HP, Good DPM, Penetration 248, Damage 340, Reload time: 6.06, Precise, Fast, Small, Good view range. All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model.
CS-63 - Tier X 泛欧 中型坦克 | BlitzKit Tankopedia | World of Tanks …
CS-63 armor, statistics, equipment, provisions, and more. 3,539 DPM, 340hp alpha, 248mm penetration, 58kph top speed, 1,800hp health.
CS-63 | Stats, Armor, Weakspots, Modules, Equipment, Provisions, …
1 天前 · CS-63: armor layout, internal modules and crew, weak spots, stats. Choose equipment, perks and field mods. Compare with other tanks. tanks maps replays Discord community. back to tanks. Note: For a better experience download Armor Inspector app for iOS or Android. Notice ...