CMU CS Academy
CMU CS Academy is an online, graphics-based computer science curriculum taught in Python provided by Carnegie Mellon University. We create novel, world-class Computer Science education for your classroom —and it’s entirely free.
CMU School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science is widely recognized as one of the first and best computer science programs in the world. Our programs train the next generation of innovators to solve real-world problems and improve the way people live and work.
Computer Science Program - Carnegie Mellon University
The course is designed to acquaint incoming majors with computer science at CMU. Talks range from historical perspectives in the field to descriptions of the cutting edge research being conducted in the School of Computer Science.
Undergraduate Programs - CMU School of Computer Science
The School of Computer Science offers five bachelor's degrees. Artificial Intelligence; Computational Biology; Computer Science; Human-Computer Interaction; Robotics; Interdisciplinary majors in computer science and the arts, …
School of Computer Science Programs - Carnegie Mellon University
You’ll spend your first year immersed in courses that explore the foundational and theoretical underpinnings of computer science. The best computer scientists in the world will teach you how to think computationally and solve complex problems, giving you the tools you need to secure an internship or even do research with just one year under ...
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The Computer Science Department admits students to an undergraduate program that you are guaranteed to find rigorous and dedicated to the real-world training and practical problem solving that has been the hallmark of computer science education at CMU since its inception.
Master's Programs - CMU School of Computer Science
The Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) program offers students with a bachelor's degree the opportunity to extend their training with advanced study in computer science. Applicants should possess basic analytic skills and a strong aptitude for mathematics, programming and logical reasoning.
课程地址: https://www. cs.cmu.edu/~15122/home. shtml , 前置课程为15-112,官方强烈建议同步学习15-151。 这门课主要是学C语言和Unix命令,主要掌握三方面的知识:计算机思维、编程技巧以及数据结构和算法。
M.S. in Computer Science - Carnegie Mellon University
M.S. in Computer Science. We cater to students with basic analytic skills and a strong aptitude for mathematics, programming, and logical reasoning. You don’t need a bachelor’s degree in computer science specifically for the program, but a technical undergraduate background will set you up for success.
School of Computer Science - Carnegie Mellon University
Students who apply to, and are directly admitted into, the School of Computer Science can choose between five primary majors: Artificial Intelligence, Computational Biology, Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction and Robotics. Students with artistic and computing interests may be given the option to pursue a major in Computer Science and Art.