College of Science
Evolved from the merger of the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the Sports, Physical Education and Recreation Division, the College continues to take the lead in …
About Us - University of the Philippines Baguio
2024年11月22日 · The College offers a total of four undergraduate degree programs, namely, BS Biology, BS Computer Science, BS Mathematics, and BS Physics program. All these …
Computer Science and Engineering Department, UPB · GitHub
Computer Science and Engineering Department, UPB has 58 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Sign in · GitLab
The IRB offers use of this Git Server for students, employees, and affiliates of the CS Department. This installation offers self-service repository and group management, as well as CI runners. …
DMCS UP Baguio - University of the Philippines Baguio
The BS Computer Science program is one of the undergraduate programs that UPB offers. It was established in 1996 and was based on the UP system program BS Computer Science initiated …
Institut für Informatik | Universität Paderborn
Seit Gründung der Universität Paderborn ist die Informatik mit ihrer starken Vernetzung in die anderen Fakultäten und Disziplinen ein prägendes Element der Hochschule. Mit über 1150 …
Cursuri UPB
Lista site-urilor de curs din cadrul UPB: Facultatea de Inginerie Electrică: Facultatea de Energetică: Facultatea de Automatică și Calculatoare (CS) Facultatea de Automatică și …
Data Science - Data Science | Paderborn University
We are dedicated to open-source software and open publications. Have a look at our tool page to find a list of the open-source frameworks we offer. These tools and frameworks implement our …
UPB-CS-OpenSourceUpstream - GitHub
2022年7月11日 · Welcome to the Open Source Upstream at the Computer Engineering Department from the University Politehnica of Bucharest. Together with NXP, we help …
Project groups - Department of Computer Science | Paderborn …
The project groups listed are intended for the Master's degree programme in Computer Science and/or Computer Engineering. There are three types of project groups: Only Computer …
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