(B站最早)详解新型轮式空降战车CS/VN3C改型 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年5月22日 · 前两天动态说的新型伞兵战车列装我国空降部队,目前传说应该是北方工业集团 (NORINCO)的“CS/VN3C”的改型,4x4的轮式轻型装甲车。 新型轮式空降战车. 2017年援助白俄罗斯的CS/VN3C. VN3. 空降部队天生就受到携行能力的限制,不能带着过多的武器、弹药和给养投入战斗,更不要说攒足防护能力。 实际上是用所有可以背得动的武器进入战场,然后用所有找的到的武器投入战斗。 空降部队的价值早在二战中就得到体现,当然不是说把伞兵扔到人家装甲师 …
CS/VN3 Chinese 4x4 Armored Scout Car - United States Army
The CS/VN3 Chinese 4x4 Armored Scout Car resembles the French Panhard VBL or Swiss MOWAG Eagle III armored scout cars but is slightly larger. This vehicle was revealed in 2007. It is understood...
VN系列外贸装甲车外观识别不完全汇总 - 知乎
VN-3装甲车(注意不完全是CS/VN-3) 北方车辆研究所研发,重庆铁马或重庆大江生产,90年代提出轻型4X4多用途装甲车需求,00年立项研发,02年推出早期F1车型。
中国 特种作战部队专用装甲车 VN-3C「天降神器」|zbd|直升机|导 …
2020年6月17日 · VN-3C装甲车采用4x4轮式结构,取代2005年投入使用的ZBD03履带式车辆。 VN3C更重(9吨对8吨),速度更快(120公里/小时对68公里),航程更长(800公里对600公里),更容易维护。 装甲保护更好,武器更强大。 炮塔是无人驾驶的,充当多武器RWS(远程武器站),武器操作员在车内。 虽然这两辆车的尺寸相同,但VN3C搭载了7名乘客(3人加4名士兵),而ZBD03则搭载了5名乘客。 两辆车都装备了30毫米自动火炮、7.62毫米机枪和反坦克导 …
NORINCO CS / VN3C 4x4 Wheeled Airborne Light Armored Car
2020年5月14日 · With the ZBD-03 tracked series, the wheeled CS/VN3C will provide the military with a potent one-two punch, balancing speed and firepower to a degree. Airborne elements can be effectively used to overtake key positions on enemy territory and hold these points until the arrival of the main fighting force.
CS/VN3 - Army Guide
The CS/VN3 is a fighting vehicle for rapid deployment and emergency operations. It features light weight, small size, fast speed and high mobility. The CS/VN3 can perform tasks such as combat assaults, fire support, personnel transport and patrols, and is especially suitable for operations in complicated urban and hilly areas.
CS/VN-3C 4x4 Airborne Combat Vehicle - GlobalSecurity.org
China's first batch of homemade airdrop-capable four-wheeled armored vehicles have entered service, which will boost the all-terrain mobilization capacity of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air...
VN3 - Army Guide
Mounted either side of the turret is a bank of electrically operated smoke grenade launchers that cover the frontal arc. Standard equipment on the VN3 includes an anti-skid braking system, nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) protection system and a …
The new modification of the Chinese airborne armored vehicle CS/VN3
2020年5月8日 · The CS/VN3 is a new type of armoured vehicle especially designed to be used for rapid deployment and for emergency operations. The CS/VN3C can perform a full range of missions as reconnaissance, urban warfare or troop’s carrier.