CSAF VEX documents now generally available - Red Hat
2023年2月1日 · The CSAF documentation provides recommendations for vendors on how to distribute CSAF files. Our publishing meets the requirements of the trusted provider role as defined in the standard. All published CSAF files have an accompanying detached signature file to verify each CSAF file's authenticity as well as a file containing the hash of the ...
Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) beta files now ... - Red Hat
2022年6月17日 · Red Hat Product Security is pleased to announce that a new security metadata offering, the Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF), is now available in beta form. CSAF 2.0 is the successor to the Common Vulnerability Reporting Framework (CVRF) version 1.2, and contains many enhancements to the information provided in each CSAF file.
CSAF/VEX - Red Hat Security Data Guidelines
As of July 10th, 2024, Red Hat Product Security publishes CSAF files for every single Red Hat Security Advisory (RHSA) and VEX files for every single CVE record that is associated with the Red Hat portfolio in any way. The Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) was originally published as an open standard by OASIS Open in November 2022.
Red Hat VEX files for CVEs are now generally available
2024年7月10日 · Currently, Red Hat Product Security publishes CSAF advisories for every single security advisory and VEX files for every single CVE record that is associated with the Red Hat portfolio in any way. CSAF advisories and VEX files both use the CSAF machine-readable data standard that allows vendors to assert whether specific vulnerabilities affect ...
Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) | Home
Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) is a language to exchange Security Advisories. It plays a crucial role in the cybersecurity arena since it allows stakeholders to automate the creation and consumption of security vulnerability information and remediation.
第 2 章 CSAF | Red Hat Product Documentation
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Common Security Advisory Framework Version 2.0 - OASIS
The Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) Version 2.0 is the definitive reference for the language which supports creation, update, and interoperable exchange of security advisories as structured information on products, vulnerabilities and the status of impact and remediation among interested parties.
Red Hat Security Data Changelog
CSAF files using the VEX profile are now available at https://access.redhat.com/security/data/csaf/v2/advisories/ for production use. These files contain vulnerability information for each released Red Hat security advisory.
Red Hat Security Data API
The Red Hat Security Data API exposes a list of endpoints to query security data with certain parameters and retrieve CSAF, CVE and OVAL data easily. Chapter 1. Overview. Red Hat Product Security is committed to providing tools and security data to …
cisagov/CSAF: CISA CSAF Security Advisories - GitHub
CSAF is a standard for machine-readable security advisories developed by the OASIS CSAF Technical Committee. CSAF enables individuals and organizations to successfully disclose and consume security advisories in machine-readable format. The standard also specifies the distribution and discovery of CSAF documents.