CSB 8021 (ex-USCGC John Midgett) - MARITIME HAWAI‘I
CSB 8021, formerly the USCGC John Midgett (WHEC-736), was transferred to the Vietnam Coast Guard (Cảnh sát biển Việt Nam) in August 2020. The ship called at Honolulu in June 2021 on her way to Vietnam from Seattle, Washington.
Indo-Pacific Command Welcomes CSB 8021
CSB 8021 left its former homeport of Seattle, Washington, on June 1, 2021, after completion of outfitting and crew training. The U.S. Embassy, through its Office of Defense Cooperation, coordinates U.S.-Vietnam security cooperation activities on behalf of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command to advance mutually beneficial defense goals and interests.
CSB 8021 – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Vào ngày 14 tháng 8 năm 2020, tàu được chuyển giao cho Cảnh sát biển Việt Nam và được phiên hiệu là tàu CSB 8021, gia nhập tàu chị em của nó là USCGC Morgenthau (WHEC-722) trước đây, nay là tàu CSB 8020.
Former Coast Guard cutter en route to Vietnam
2021年7月7日 · The ex-John Midgett, a Hamilton-class high endurance cutter, departs Hawaii on its way to Vietnam. Now known as CSB-8021, the cutter left Seattle June 1, 2021, and is due to arrive in Vietnam around July 10. U.S. Coast Guard photo.
Seattle-based coast guard ship transferred to Vietnam - Tacoma News Tribune
2021年6月2日 · The ship is now called the Vietnamese Coast Guard Cutter CSB 8021. "I'm coming home!" Fantastic shot of CSB-8021 (ex-USCGC John Midgett "WHEC-726") of Vietnam Coast Guard in its new paint job.
我们的邻居 -越南接收第二艘美国捐赠的海警船 - 百家号
2021年7月30日 · 汉密尔顿级巡逻舰被设计成一个高度通用的海上平台,能够执行包括海上执法、搜救、海洋研究和海岸防御等多种任务。 CSB 8021 虽然号称巡逻舰,但是其排水量达到3250吨、舰长115 米,航速29节,续航达到14000海里。 它配备了强大的武器系统和电子设备,尽管它上面的大部分雷达和武器系统在转移到越南之前已经被拆除,但是它还是保留了一门 76 毫米舰炮。 船体采用 V 形截面设计,测试中这种舰体可以在遭受损坏后存活,并保持较长时间的漂浮状态 …
Vietnamese Coast Guard receives CSB 8021 from U.S. - Army …
2021年7月26日 · The U.S. Coast Guard officially transferred CSB 8021, formerly JOHN MIDGETT, to Vietnam on August 14, 2020. Since November 1, 2020, the ship’s new Vietnam Coast Guard crew has received training on the vessel, its systems, and equipment.
Tàu cảnh sát biển CSB 8021 Mỹ bàn giao cho Việt Nam đang trên đường …
2021年6月2日 · Tàu CSB 8021 là tàu tuần duyên thứ hai được Mỹ giao cho Việt Nam theo Chương trình bán trang bị quốc phòng dư thừa (EDA), sau tàu USCGC Morgenthau, được chuyển giao cho Lực lượng Cảnh sát biển Việt Nam ngày 25-5-2017 và biên chế vào Cảnh sát biển Việt Nam với số hiệu CSB 8020 ...
CSB 8021 Patrol Vessel about to depart from US to Vietnam
The Vietnam CSB 8021 Patrol Vessel has completed the test runs and is ready to depart from Seattle (Washington, USA). The latest image of the ship painted with Vietnam's flag. Source: Lee Fleming
U.S. donates patrol vessel to boost Vietnam’s maritime security
Renamed CSB 8021 by the VCG, the cutter was formerly known as the USCGC John Midgett, VOV added. Built in the 1960s, the cutter was refitted at the Lake Union Drydock Co. shipyard in Seattle. It has a displacement of 3,250 metric tons and can operate at sea for up to 45 days.